Today, Q*bert is finished! the final artwork package arrived from Arcadeshop and after a long stretch of work I am proud to present the final pics!
First a reminder of what we started with:
after careful measuring and placement I applied the side art, and began unmasking Coily the snake:
Just a Little bit more to go....
and now uncovered! the very first time this cabinet has worn this artwork since it was converted to Sky Shark in the late 80s
the bezel and CPO Look great!
and finally the whole cabinet as it stands now....
Overall, I am very happy with it, the artwork is very high quality, I do have a few minor gripes about the CPO however:
It is missing the Gottlieb Logo, which may be due to legal reasons or it may be reproduced from a different revision, but it is disappointing that it was missing. Also the button holes are all a little off, if you use the buttons to help guide the application of the overlay you will get a joystick hole that is off kilter and since the joystick washer does not cover the center hole, you have to ignore the button holes and do your own centering based on the sides of the cpo and the joystick hole.
Otherwise it's great stuff! hopefully anybody thinking of doing a Q*bert restoration can look at this and know the results are well worth the money and effort.