Howdy all. Just joined your forum ranks and fresh off the proverbial banana
in Arcade collecting/gaming.
Brace yourself-
This is a MAME related question-
I have a pair of cabs recently fitted (no mutilations could re-fit with pcb's in a jiffy) and I'd like to light the wee LEDS in same.
A few side considerations;
1. I don't feel comfortable powering them through the same power source of the computers.
2. I don't have LED WIZ
3. I don't have the I-Pac cap/num connectors to power them off the Ipac board.
What I'm asking for basically is a refresher in basic high school electronics.
I'd like to power the LED's in the coin boxes off a linked power cord that would simply plug into the power bar inside the cabs.
Any suggestions?
I've tried a 5 volt adapter and it was a brief light show then dark.