I Rejuved my Sanyo EZ20! My DK cabs monitor, was missing red. So, I had to order a monitor rejuver off eBay. Ended up buying a B&K 467 for a steal with a CR-23 monitor adapter (Adapter for Sanyo)
What do you guys, think? Does my red look pretty good!?
Link to photo:
http://www.flickr.com/photos/arcadeoutsiders/12245982733You can also, go check out my part 2 DK restore on YouTube, that I just got uploaded if you want to see some more details. ;) Link to YouTube video:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mx39CM421X4Wow!! That's AWESOME! Dude, I am so proud of you for fixing that! Most people would throw in the towel and get a new monitor, or worse... put in an LCD!! YOU ROCK FOR FIXING THIS!! CONGRATS!!!!
Thanks John!
I never liked the LCD's either. (For arcade machines anyway) It's nice to have this little rejuver, so I can fix crt's in the future.
Thanks AGAIN!
I actually learned most about these things, in your Gyruss monitor rejuve video! The Sencore CR7000 is awesome! Wish I could of got one, but the B&K does the job.