Hey guys. New to the game. Looking for broken stuff to work on. I'm more into classics rather than the newer stuff. I'm still looking for my first machine. Is there anything crazy I should stay away from? I'm trying to find a reference for game values so I don't end up paying too much for broken stuff that's not worth it after its fixed up. Any suggestions? Almost picked up a Capcom bowling for $150 bit my heart tells me that's too much. Anyways, any tips would be apprecated. I'm new just getting into this. I enjoyed the last episode of the show. Wish I could make it to the meet up. Thanks in advance.
And one other thing. Frogger for $150 not working. Is that too much?
Hey Shooter!!! The one piece of advice I have is when you are looking at games, make sure they are not conversions and are indeed the game they are advertised as. A lot of games out there are conversions. You might see a Frogger game that was once a Time Pilot or something else. These are hard to restore. So, when you see a game, google it to make sure you are looking at an original game and not some Frankenstein. I bet that Capcom bowling was once something else.
$150 for a nice non-working Frogger is a fine
. Those cabinets don't seem to hold up well so lookout for swollen particle board. The wood grain sides are also hard to replicate if it's really damaged.