« on: January 20, 2015, 04:54:05 pm » |
"I always look for games that I want to play first, more often than not, the rare games kind of suck." -JOHN I don't disagree...but more than anything else, operators' confidence a game would make money kind of dictated which games slipped through the cracks and which ones never made it far at all. Maybe Joust 2 is a bad example, but it's one of my favorite games.  
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2015, 05:03:59 pm » |
I agree 100% - I was around for all the pac-man/ms pac-man excitement - 1942 was a classic - but Solar Warrior which didnt come out until the LATE 80's won my heart! The version I played was Xain'd Sleena (japan) it was in a Neo-geo I think... AND it was my VERY first arcade I bought - In a  Jr cabinet of all things! 
1979 Atari Asteroids 1980 Midway Pac-Man (TOTAL Restoration Needed) 1981 Midway Galaga 1982 Atari Pole Position 1986 Atari Championship Sprint 1986 Williams Pin*Bot Pinball 1987 Atari Badlands 1988 Atari Tetris/19-1 Multi-Cade 60-1 DK Jr Cabinet 2002 Hanabi Japanese Slot Machine
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2015, 05:28:08 pm » |
When I was in Germany as a kid, I remember playing Xain'd Sleena in the bowling alley there. I loved that game. I got good enough to finish the game on one  . I pulled it up on my MAME cabinet the other day and played it. I was surprised how much I remembered about the game. Another game I thought was a good game was Slapfight (Alcon in the US). I liked how the weapon systems worked and you could upgrade to whichever weapon you wanted to. 
John's Arcade
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2015, 08:13:40 pm » |
"I always look for games that I want to play first, more often than not, the rare games kind of suck." -JOHN I don't disagree...but more than anything else, operators' confidence a game would make money kind of dictated which games slipped through the cracks and which ones never made it far at all. Maybe Joust 2 is a bad example, but it's one of my favorite games.   Great idea for a thread! I have played Joust 2 a few times and also thought it was cool. I think Zoo Keeper is a great example of the best rare game EVER! And, I LOVE Major Havoc and Mad Planets too.
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2015, 08:19:23 pm » |
Another game I thought was a good game was Slapfight (Alcon in the US). I liked how the weapon systems worked and you could upgrade to whichever weapon you wanted to. love slapfight, shame its really buggy  awesome awesome game!
--/\-[ A Pin Guy ]-/\--
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2015, 08:26:24 pm » |
I had completely forgotten about MOON PATROL until I saw it on Johns Arcades' videos. The Marquee and side art were killer, the game... Well... When I played it at the Mariott Hotel in Marco Island Florida in 1983ish while on vacation with my family I couldn’t get enough of it. Seeing it on one of Johns Vids brought me back to the sun and the sand and spending more time in a dark arcade off the beach than on it! 
1979 Atari Asteroids 1980 Midway Pac-Man (TOTAL Restoration Needed) 1981 Midway Galaga 1982 Atari Pole Position 1986 Atari Championship Sprint 1986 Williams Pin*Bot Pinball 1987 Atari Badlands 1988 Atari Tetris/19-1 Multi-Cade 60-1 DK Jr Cabinet 2002 Hanabi Japanese Slot Machine
« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2015, 03:19:17 am » |
Moon Patrol is rare? News to me. And I think it's a better game than some give it credit for. Playing for high score, if you're serious enough to put the time in to get good, is a fun challenge and it can be quite difficult to become a consistent good player. Just don't abuse the continue option if you want to keep it fun.
Quantum is rare, about 500 made and roughly 100-150 originals known left to exist, and is worth playing on a real cab. Not an 'A' list title in terms of game play and replayability but it's a solid 'B.'
« Last Edit: January 21, 2015, 03:22:17 am by SanTe »
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2015, 08:49:45 am » |
some of my fav games are 'rare'
city connection flicky wonderboy macross plus
--/\-[ A Pin Guy ]-/\--
« Reply #8 on: January 21, 2015, 10:10:31 am » |
CITY CONNECTION!! Wow! brings back memories!
I am going to mame that tonight! I was happy with a 60 in 1 until this thread started me thinking about these games!
I remember Kungfu Master too! oh and another karate game with twin sticks to control your fighter... the name eludes me though!
Love this thread!
1979 Atari Asteroids 1980 Midway Pac-Man (TOTAL Restoration Needed) 1981 Midway Galaga 1982 Atari Pole Position 1986 Atari Championship Sprint 1986 Williams Pin*Bot Pinball 1987 Atari Badlands 1988 Atari Tetris/19-1 Multi-Cade 60-1 DK Jr Cabinet 2002 Hanabi Japanese Slot Machine
John's Arcade
« Reply #9 on: January 21, 2015, 10:54:26 am » |
I agree! City Connection is great. I haven't played it since the NES. I too will be firing that up in MAME! 
« Reply #10 on: January 21, 2015, 11:04:22 am » |
City Connection was fun. Will also have to play it on MAME. Tiger Road was another game I played in Germany. It was a pretty good game. 
« Reply #11 on: January 21, 2015, 12:20:43 pm » |
Hat Trick is one of the best party games on my Mame.
There's also a little known sequel to PAC Man called Ms. pac man that I like to play sometimes.
« Reply #12 on: January 21, 2015, 08:58:23 pm » |
Alcon, Wonderboy, Mad Planets and Quantum are all games I love! & a bunch here I definitely need to look into, I wasn't even aware they made a sequel to Pac-man, bizarre to say the least... Here's an unreleased Gottlieb prototype that you kind of need MAME to play. It's like a mix between Tempest, Robotron and Mad Planets and it's really addicting.