Hello from California, USA. I am a Nintendo fan myself. I don't see any for sale in my area at the moment.
A light search suggests shipping a crate to the UK could cost around $700-800 or £485
It first needs to be crated, then shipped through a company. I don't know if there are any fees or taxes for import/export. The companies would know this.
The red cabinet was
Nah they were Donkey kongs.. people put DK Jr art kit on it later on..
They were gonna use the cabinets (i think john explained this in one of his vids) for another game which flopped and ended up using the red cabs for
the only way your gonna get this thing shipped if is somebody takes it apart FLAT stack. that means you are gonna have to re assemble the whole cab when you get it.
I have two......... not for sale.