Hello All!
I just joined the forum tonight but wanted to share pics of my other cabs. These were all built from the ground up.
The Cap cab is running MAME OS X on a Mac Mini, and it is using an iPac4 so I can have 4 player action on some games (including the marquee game). Although the iPac4 seems to have died for whatever reason, so right now I am using my spare iPac2 until I can replace the 4. Bummer!
The Space Invaders cab is running a 60-in-1 PCB and although the games are not 100% accurate most people love it. I am the only one that it really seems to bother!
The Atari cab is currently running the 19-in-1 PCB, which I hated at first but again everyone else who plays it seems to like a lot. Before that I was running the Pandoras Box 3 in it, and the cabinet is 36" wide so it really works well for the Capcom fighting games and the Neo Geo stuff like Metal Slug.
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