hey John...great site and thanks for all the informative videos...
I am in the process of doing this mod and have ordered the amp from ultimarc but had a few questions...
After looking over the video, would you happen to know of a source that may have a molex connector for sale that is already wired that can connect to the board behind the monitor? (like the one you had to piece together using two connectors) I have never made a molex connector and don't have the tools either.
Also, is there a way to test to see if I have 5 volts coming from the video card before installing the amp? I would really like to find out if I need to tap the computer for that 5v before I dive into it. And adding to the question above, if I don't have the 5v, is there a source where I could get the correct connetor to attach to the supply from the computer?
Thanks in advance for any help....I am excited to get this mod done.

You could buy a JAMMA harness on ebay for cheap and cut the monitor connector off of that. Just make sure you get one that is wide enough or is the two plug version. I heard the repro MCR monitor cable can be used for this too.
I think the easiest way to test the 5V is to plug the board into your computer and then test on the test point on the ultimarc board. I did that in my video.
5V should be present where the below arrow is. If it's not, that's where you need to jump your 5V to.

Otherwise, you need to get the pinout for the video card and test one of the pins at that video card vga out.
In my video I mention that I went to Radioshack and got a power plug that was already made up for a hard drive.