not a single one
, Ms Pac is on the original PCB, as is DK, and Millipede, the NG does have a 161 multicart though.
The Qbert and Multicade are the only ones running Mame, and Q*bert is only temporary until I feel like getting a real boardset or maybe a Jrok when that's available.
I got both DK and my Ms Pac not working, but I repaired both myself....pretty satisfying fixing these old games.
and dragons lair?
Dragon's Lair on the Multi? its running on Daphne.
I have Mame, Daphne, and Demul emus set up so I can play most of the emulatable arcade titles.
I mainly have the multi cab set up to hold both the games I don't have space for or games guests like to play that I couldn't care less about. everything is setup behind Hyperspin 1.3 I had been prepping to upgrade to 2.0 but the guy who wrote Hyperspin abandoned the project, so I just settled on making the current setup as nice as I can instead.
I've got a router coming to cut the T molding slot on the Multi's CP, and I intend to finish that cab before next year when I pick up my next couple of projects.
It is wired as a Jamma cab also so if I want to play regular boards in it I can, It was a Ranger Mission when I picked it up, but the Op kept the boardset.
it was once either a Captain America cab or a Wrestlefest, can't tell now, it was badly hacked and nothing left of it's former self, not even original marquee brackets.