I wrote up a script that modifies the default behavior of the forum's ShoutBox so it can "speak" anything the participants are saying. I use it so I can do my programming day-job without constantly shuffling back and forth to see what people have been saying in the ShoutBox. To install it you will need to be running Chrome (preferably the latest version).
Install the following plug-in (TamperMonkey for Chrome):
https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tampermonkey/dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo?hl=enNext install my script from GreasyFork:
https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/7880-speaking-shoutboxYou will have to reload your JohnsArcade.com page in the browser for the script to start working I believe. I'll update this thread with any initial set-up hints and tricks. As for what does the script do?
- Speak Shoutbox updates as they appear using the Chrome voice synthesizer API
- Set a generic voice to hear
- Set a custom voice on a user's View Profile page
- Mute button functionality is retained
- Skip things that shouldn't be spoken (e.g. a link becomes "http bla bla bla")
- Turns https URLs into links (still working on perfecting this so they aren't spoken).