Hello All!
So I just posted in the Introduce Yourself section a few minutes ago, but while it's fresh in my mind I wanted to get some feedback on what direction to take with this cab. It's a DKJR according to the ID plate on the back of the plywood cabinet (which I was very pleased to realize that I had chosen my machine somewhat blindly, but wisely).
I bought it because it has VS SMB, a game that I pumped many a
into when I was a wee furniture nerd in the mid-late 1980s.
My family, neighbors and neighborhood kids all seem to gravitate to my garage in the evenings and weekends, and SMB is such a universally-loved game so I thought it should be my first real cabinet.
I'd like to bring this can back to its original glory, but I can't decide if I should keep it as VS, or put it back to DKJR on the outside.
Whatever I do, I am nearly certain the game itself will stay SMB. I like DKJR but it was never one of my favorites. I thought about doing the Double-DK board set from Mike's Arcade, but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't get played as much as SMB will. And if I put a bunch of work into bringing this thing back to its original glory, I want it to get PLAYED. A LOT.
The reason I am struggling with a direction is twofold...
1) the VS SMB conversion is...not beautiful.
It's only slightly less utilitarian-looking than a Neo-Geo cabinet. It just slays me that one of their most successful games of all time didn't even have artwork on the glass!
2) I'm not a huge fan of the orange.
If I had my pick between the orange and the blue Ninty cabinet colors, I'd take the blue any day of the week.
That being said, I like the artwork on any of the DK cabinets. I think that having a cabinet with original colors, side/cpo artwork, marquee, et cetera just completes the whole "time machine" feel of these old cabinets. I want the players to get the full Monty when they step up to play it.
I also don't want to ruin an original by making it into something that it's not...which Is why I'm asking for opinions!
Thanks everyone!
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