Well I did take the Shin-lee EM-201 monitor out of the mix and the Commando game started without blowing a fuse. Something funky must be with that monitor ;-( Swapped out the monitor with another Wells Gardiner I had lying around, only image i can see is a grey screen with some crackle from the speaker. I hope this board isn't a dead board.
Should I pop off the roms and eraser the edge connector, I'm soooo hoping this is just like an old Atari or Nintendo Cartridge you guy's remember sometimes they would just get really dirty ;-) I'm not seeing any burn marks anywhere or bad solder points on the board. Doesn't look like this PCB has been worked on.
I'm going to check the voltage on the PCB Once I built a Jamma to Capcom harness and use my testing rig.
Well, since you removed the monitor from the equation and it's not blowing fuses I'd say you isolated the problem.
Is the second monitor you put in the game good? Does the game play blind? If you coin up, can you hear the game playing? How do you know the monitor is good.
I would check my +5 voltage at the game PCB and reseat connectors then chips first. do the simple stuff first!