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General Category / Comments about John's videos and / Black Knight Replacement?
on: June 06, 2014, 01:29:21 am
Hey, John. I was wondering if you've gotten a new game to replace the Black Knight you had. If so, what was it? I thought I saw another pinball machine next to the NBA Fast Break when you had the Arcade Impossible guy over, but I couldn't tell what it was. If you haven't replaced it yet, I would like to recommend either The Getaway: High Speed II or another NBA Fast Break so you can link them up and play head to head.
General Category / Introduce Yourself / Greetings from Central Illinois@
on: June 06, 2014, 12:57:07 am
How's it going, everyone? My name is Ryan, and as my username indicates, I am a legally blind gamer. How do I play video games, you ask? It's simple. I just sit close to the screen. For pinball machines, I'm a much more methodical player. I frequently catch the ball with one of the flippers so that it rests between the edge of the flipper and the inlane. This allows me to try and figure out where I want the ball to go before making another shot. Also, I can't nudge the table with enough force to affect where the ball goes, so down-the-center drains are much more common for me. Well, what can you do?