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1  General Category / Comments about John's videos and / whatever happened? on: December 03, 2015, 03:34:11 pm
whatever happened to that nintendo playchoice 10 cabinet you restored and shipped off somewhere.  i was dying to know which game it was gonna play, then i forgot all about it for a few weeks.  did you ever reveal the surprise and i just missed it?  i watch all the videos.  thanks
2  General Category / Comments about John's videos and / john plays mame on: November 12, 2015, 04:43:09 pm
loved the latest episode where you play lesser known arcade classics in mame. i wonder if you could make that a regular segment since there are countless gems we haven't played before.  thanks.
3  Other Stuff / Off Topic / Re: on: October 28, 2015, 11:12:36 am
john is drinking vaca

john is besides himself

the sunday video comes out on sunday

4  Other Stuff / Video Game Console and Retro Computers Discussion / Re: on: July 22, 2015, 02:00:05 pm
update, just sold the IIe to a fellow collector, and bought a 2nd turbografx-16.
5  General Category / Comments about John's videos and / SideArms Lurking on: July 22, 2015, 01:48:12 pm
while watching the Jump Bug resto part 8, my eyes fixated on that sad looking sidearms cabinet in the background.  then i realized, i have that game ported to the pc engine.  i will have to play it sometime.
6  Other Stuff / Off Topic / Re: Vintage Skateboards on: June 13, 2015, 05:08:51 pm
I got it!  Very similar to the one I had in the 70's     Smiley
7  Other Stuff / Off Topic / Vintage Skateboards on: May 28, 2015, 01:16:37 pm
John, a belated congrats on the Tony Hawk skateboard purchase.  Watching that vid made me think of my first "real" skateboard - meaning not one of those plastic pieces of crap you get at JC Penney.  It was a red aluminum Banzai board, like the one below.
8  Other Stuff / Video Game Console and Retro Computers Discussion / Re: Consoles on: May 17, 2015, 05:07:37 pm
I just got into the TurboGrafx 16.  I remember seeing it at a friends house in the 90's, but didn't realize how cool it was back then.  The shmups on the system such as Blazing Lazers and Super Star Soldier are fantastic.  Also, I have been playing Cratermaze, trying to get a 1,000,000 point score.

On another note, has anyone had any experience with the Analogue CMVS?  Its a really cool consolized MVS Neo Geo.

9  General Category / Comments about John's videos and / An untrained eye on: January 17, 2015, 11:25:20 am
John has made many "on the road videos", and what always amazes me is his ability to identify the conversions for what they originally were, on the fly.  He obviously did this with his Journey, because it had been converted to a Golf game, but we have seen him do this with 100's of conversions in a row at places like Galloping Ghosts. 

Some may say that this skill is no different that any other hobby, such as a car enthusiast.  I disagree.  In what other realm did people take classic items, cover original artwork with black paint, pull off the original parts and replace them with cheap components?  The arcade hobby is unique, because for a long period of time (the 90's) few people cared what became of these games.  Now we do, in great part because of people like John.

I am not a collector, so I am not comparing John to other collectors.  I am commenting as someone who grew up in the arcades in the 80's and has a heartfelt appreciation for "classic arcade games".  In my mind, after he tells us what game it used to be, I can actually see the old game underneath- waiting to come out again.
10  General Category / Comments about John's videos and / Re: Missing Audio Found? on: December 27, 2014, 11:19:35 pm

here John, I put it back up!
11  Other Stuff / Video Game Console and Retro Computers Discussion / Re: Atari 600XL on: December 20, 2014, 05:19:16 pm
Great News!  My 6502 and 16K OS ROM came today.  The chips were socketed, and pulled out fine with the screwdriver.  The new ones went in without a hitch, and everything works.  I have , Pac Man, Ms Pac Man, and Dig Dug coming in the mail.  Also, I hear you can use Genesis controllers in lieu of the Atari ones.
12  Other Stuff / Video Game Console and Retro Computers Discussion / Re: Atari 600XL on: December 18, 2014, 10:15:22 pm

The Atari 600xl arrived this morning.  Although it boots, it locks up when running a simple GOTO loop.  Memory tests reveal a bad rom.  I looked at AtariAge online and it could be the 6502C CPU or the 16K OS rom.  I ordered both from B&C Computer Visions.  After watching John's Arcade Videos, I feel like I can comfortably remove chips with a screwdriver.  Wish me luck.
13  Other Stuff / Video Game Console and Retro Computers Discussion / Atari 600XL on: December 15, 2014, 11:29:19 am

I really enjoyed your videos featuring the Atari 800XL.  I just picked up an Atari 600XL on ebay.  When I had my last 600XL back in '83, I mostly played cartridge games. Do you have any favorite cartridge games for the Atari 8 bit? 

-Peace out.
14  General Category / Comments about John's videos and / Missing Audio Found? on: December 12, 2014, 10:00:06 pm
GG's "Doc" interview revealed!

I took the link down, it was getting old Smiley
15  General Category / Comments about John's videos and / John's Arcade Episode#57 on: December 11, 2014, 12:01:32 pm
I loved the discussion about the early 80's handhelds.  my dad worked at JC Penney and he would buy my sister and I a game or two for Xmas.  We ended up with about 5 each.  My favorite was the Space Invader pictured below.  Also, this online museum seems to have everything. 

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