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1  Arcade and Pinball Discussions / General Arcade and Video Game Discussions / ROBLOX April fools on: April 01, 2019, 06:20:03 pm
This morning, Little Eva was upset that her account was suspended and under the comments its said.

"You have been temporarily banned"

Reason, "For snatching your own weave out"

So when I came down stairs to drop her at school before work she was all upset about saying she was blocked and that she never snatch any weaves out, what does it mean to snatch someones weave out !

I laughed my ass off, shes only 8 and had no clue that it was April fools joke!
2  Arcade and Pinball Discussions / General Arcade and Video Game Discussions / Re: Before and after Restorations on: March 28, 2019, 09:47:03 pm
You do some amazing work. Looks GREAT!

I have followed you and Shawn W for some time, and Definitely inspired alot of what I have accomplished... I fact you might remember this one when you were at cax with shawn...

The bezel was Shawns creativity but he lost the files on his computer crash, But JrPac recreated them from the klov thread with shawns permission

Infact the control panel shawn sold me complete for 50 dollars and then spent 28 bucks shipping it to me..

I sure do miss the good old days, but I fell out of that crowd super hard.

My love for arcade machines and playing and restoration will never go away. But I cannot bring myself to log into klov anymore...

I have some fun pictures of you and Koolmo Craig working on a game at cax someplace !

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3  Arcade and Pinball Discussions / General Arcade and Video Game Discussions / Re: Before and after Restorations on: March 28, 2019, 09:37:11 pm
Awesome restore work, dude.

Thank you!

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4  Arcade and Pinball Discussions / General Arcade and Video Game Discussions / Re: Before and after Restorations on: March 28, 2019, 12:20:07 am

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5  Arcade and Pinball Discussions / General Arcade and Video Game Discussions / Before and after Restorations on: March 27, 2019, 10:30:18 pm

6  Arcade and Pinball Discussions / General Arcade and Video Game Discussions / Re: Before and after Restorations on: March 27, 2019, 10:29:57 pm
Here's another... to keep it moving...

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7  Arcade and Pinball Discussions / General Arcade and Video Game Discussions / Re: Before and after Restorations on: March 27, 2019, 10:28:24 pm
Certainly some talented restorers here.  Great job, love to see before and after pics.  Im working on a rough toobin as we speak.  still lots to do but its coming along.  I'll post photos soon.

Ive always wanted to own a toobin, such a cool game and sounds also

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8  Tech and Marketplace / I need help with my game! - Technical Discussion / Re: Space Invaders power supply on: March 18, 2019, 09:19:36 pm
Sometimes when I receive those power supply they have a switch and they are set 220 volts.

Ive had 2 that way... only one ever installed but it didn't harm anything. Always check those and set your switcher voltages before you plug in your board

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9  Arcade and Pinball Discussions / General Arcade and Video Game Discussions / Re: Running the Mister de10-nano FPGA system in a Arcade cabinet with a J-pac on: March 17, 2019, 09:08:23 pm
Is there anyway to run these with a Pacific Novelty game that used tge cassette tapes like Thief and Nato Defense etc...

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10  Arcade and Pinball Discussions / General Arcade and Video Game Discussions / Re: Running the Mister de10-nano FPGA system in a Arcade cabinet with a J-pac on: March 15, 2019, 03:44:49 pm
Sweet, Love FPGA ill have to look into this

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11  Arcade and Pinball Discussions / General Arcade and Video Game Discussions / Before and after Restorations on: March 12, 2019, 09:06:05 pm
New art from rich

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Jamma wired with an Arpicade for space shooters

12  Arcade and Pinball Discussions / General Arcade and Video Game Discussions / Re: Before and after Restorations on: March 12, 2019, 09:05:52 pm



New sheet metal...

Then I shortened some shafts from some Dominx8s

Tapped them and added studs for super short leafs to fit the thin Galaxian panels

This is them assembled...

There was nothing left of the Galaxian so i went with joys instead of the swing switches

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13  Arcade and Pinball Discussions / General Arcade and Video Game Discussions / Re: Before and after Restorations on: March 12, 2019, 08:52:34 pm
Wow, that's some beautiful work you did.  Really precise stuff too.  Love that "New For '82!" Cheesy

I still have that art work, I was thinking of building another rock-ola cab in the next year or so

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14  Arcade and Pinball Discussions / General Arcade and Video Game Discussions / Re: Before and after Restorations on: March 12, 2019, 08:51:18 pm
That's pretty. I'm not going into too many details. I did that over on klov.  This is my Bucky O'Hare built from a very messed up TMNT cabinet. the CPL had been chopped off so I had to find another one.  I had a ton of help with this including John himself.

It's an og board from 1992

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Ya thats nice!!

No details needed... before and and afters are cool. Its need to see things reborn or recreated. Just like to see what others are doing....

Ill bump another one of mine just for fun...

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15  Arcade and Pinball Discussions / General Arcade and Video Game Discussions / Before and after Restorations on: March 09, 2019, 11:24:55 pm

Running the BitKit FPGA so it runs a few different Rock-ola games plus other added games like my fave MrTNT.. and the reason for the button...
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