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1  General Category / Comments about John's videos and / Re: Ice Cold Beer Coinbox Mystery on: April 30, 2015, 08:08:54 pm

I think that it's either empty or has quarters and/or the Game Manual in it.

I kind of suspect it's empty too, or has junk in it. Wouldn't you have heard quarters (or any other heavy contents) when transporting it?
2  General Category / Comments about John's videos and / Ice Cold Beer Coinbox Mystery on: April 30, 2015, 05:56:46 pm
John, weren't you given some kind of borescope type device a number of years ago (I think I remember you talking about it on VGO)? Could you feed the camera through the hole to see either the contents or what's preventing the box from opening?

Kind of surprised I haven't seen a thread with people's predictions on here.
3  General Category / Comments about John's videos and / Re: Re: John's Basement before it was JOHN'S BASEMENT on: March 07, 2015, 02:06:28 pm
LOL! That's awsum! John you should post some of your earliest videos so we can see how things have changed.

Hmmmm, Hey John did you ever think of doing a vid that's a thinking back episode where you use clips from your old video's to kind of recap what you've done in the past? It would interesting to see how the basement evolved from the very begining to now.
"Previously on John's Arcade..."
4  Arcade and Pinball Discussions / General Pinball Discussions / Re: on: December 29, 2014, 06:20:48 pm
Yeah, I think you're right. Losing the ability to post to leaderboards is a big .
5  Arcade and Pinball Discussions / General Pinball Discussions / Pinball Arcade Seasons 1 and 2 Packs 50% until 2015 on: December 17, 2014, 03:24:19 pm
Thought I'd let others know that Pinball Arcade Seasons 1 and 2 packs are half off for the rest of the year. Sale is valid across iOS, Steam, Google Play, Amazon, and Ouya.

Note: If considering Steam, may be worth holding off until the Steam Winter sale starts. Unlikely they'll be discounted any further considering this is the lowest they've ever been (AFAIK), but since Steam actually lists the 50% off sale as ending on the 28th and FarSight says the start of 2015, it's possible.

Season 1 Tables:
Black Hole
Ripley's Believe it or Not!
Theatre of Magic
The Machine: Bride of PinBot
Medieval Madness
Cirqus Voltaire
Monster Bash
Black Knight
Creature from the Black Lagoon
Harley-Davidson, 3rd Ed.
Elvira and the Party Monsters
No Good Gofers
Scared Stiff
Big Shot
Twilight Zone
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Attack from Mars

Season 2 Tables:
Dr. Dude and His Excellent Ray
Cactus Canyon
Central Park
Space Shuttle
White Water
The Champion Pub
Flight 2000
Goin' Nuts
Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Tee'd Off
Haunted House
Class of 1812
Cue Ball Wizard
El Dorado: City of Gold

Currently planning on grabbing at least season one on Steam (and maybe Google Play too). Anyone know if the "Pro" versions of the tables are worth it? Seems like it'd be nice to have the uncensored versions of some of the tables, but not sure I really need any of the other features.
6  Other Stuff / Video Game Console and Retro Computers Discussion / Re: on: May 31, 2014, 01:50:03 pm
My advice is to search around for a good custom starter deck to use and play with that till you have a better understanding of the game. At least, I think I've had more success doing that than using the stock decks.
7  Other Stuff / Video Game Console and Retro Computers Discussion / Re: on: May 31, 2014, 12:09:43 pm
I've been playing it quite a bit (nearly daily). Played (and lost) in the VGO tourney, but it's still fun as a match can completely change in a turn or two.
8  General Category / Comments about John's videos and / Re: John's Pax East Interview (Where John is interviewed on camera *RARE*) on: April 23, 2014, 09:45:33 am
Wow, great camera work.  ;)
9  General Category / Comments about John's videos and / Re: funspot meetup on: March 28, 2014, 10:45:59 pm
Since the two events would be kind of close together, and on somewhat short notice for the first, maybe do the meet up at PAX East at the ACAM exhibit. Would likely be a much different feel than the Funspot meet, but I'm sure some of your viewers (myself included) will already be at PAXe, which would make it easier to attend.
10  Tech and Marketplace / I need help with my game! - Technical Discussion / Re: on: February 02, 2014, 07:36:25 pm
Cool. I just mean in general. Feel like it's such an inconvenience to order from most arcade sites.
11  Tech and Marketplace / I need help with my game! - Technical Discussion / Re: on: February 02, 2014, 06:39:33 pm
I've stumbled upon his site once before but was turned away by its appearance. Looks a bit sketchy.

Wish all arcade part dealers would use Amazon for distribution. Hate having to send emails, mail checks, or pay shipping for these things.
12  Tech and Marketplace / I need help with my game! - Technical Discussion / Re: Nintendo CP Carriage Bolts on: February 02, 2014, 01:46:11 pm
Well, I have a control panel. It, has no carriage bolts (the carriage bolts are used to hold down the cpo to the wood). Does anyone know where I can find these?  Huh? has them. They are not cheap. But, he has them.

It dose not look like there on his site, or for sale anymore. I have looked before too, never have saw them.  Undecided


Thanks! They have the coin door ones I had been looking for too. Ones I have are a bit rusty and scuffed up (and one bolt is actually bent).
13  Tech and Marketplace / I need help with my game! - Technical Discussion / Re: Nintendo CP Carriage Bolts on: February 01, 2014, 08:26:42 pm
Can't speak specifically to the control panel but I was looking for the coin door carriage bolts a few months ago and didn't have any success at local hardware stores. Not sure if the ones in the control panel are as uncommon a size. From what I found when researching the coin door ones, most people seemed to recommend Ace Hardware (though the Ace I tried didn't have what I needed).

Yo, Chris!! Glad you made it here.

Yeah, Ace Hardware is GREAT for oddball nuts and bolts. The one by me has bins full of hard to find screws and nuts. I got there constantly.

Thanks. I've actually been registered here since 2011, although just realized this is my first time posting. .
14  Tech and Marketplace / I need help with my game! - Technical Discussion / Re: Nintendo CP Carriage Bolts on: February 01, 2014, 07:18:18 pm
Can't speak specifically to the control panel but I was looking for the coin door carriage bolts a few months ago and didn't have any success at local hardware stores. Not sure if the ones in the control panel are as uncommon a size. From what I found when researching the coin door ones, most people seemed to recommend Ace Hardware (though the Ace I tried didn't have what I needed).
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