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1  Arcade and Pinball Discussions / General Arcade and Video Game Discussions / Re: What game is burned into this monitor? on: January 20, 2015, 11:02:25 am
Definitely is Mr. Do's Castle  ;), although Space Panic came to my mind first.
2  Tech and Marketplace / I need help with my game! - Technical Discussion / Re: Now a monitor problem with machine #2 on: October 20, 2014, 02:57:21 pm
Re-seat all connections, if that doesn't change anything, check for cold solder joints on the monitor chassis video input or just reflow them. And, as this probably isn't the problem you could check the voltages from the ps when the screen is green and compare them to when the game is working. Sure sounds like a cold solder joint though, because as the game is on and everything gets warmer a solder joint could catch contact again.
3  Arcade and Pinball Discussions / General Arcade and Video Game Discussions / Re: If you could pick a free game? on: October 20, 2014, 02:50:55 pm
For Pinball: Tales of the Arabian Nights  ;)
For Arcade: Minty Quantum!  Grin
4  Arcade and Pinball Discussions / General Arcade and Video Game Discussions / Re: Arcade Quiz on: October 20, 2014, 02:45:51 pm
What a test! 10/10 FTW!  Grin
5  General Category / Comments about John's videos and / Re: John plays games in his home arcade on: September 25, 2014, 10:40:10 pm
My local pizza place still has a original working Ms. Pac-Man!
6  Arcade and Pinball Discussions / General Arcade and Video Game Discussions / Re: So what's everyone working on? on: July 24, 2014, 03:17:51 pm
My Stargate Story  ;) - picked it up on the cheap with a conversion kit called "Strength & Skill" playing blind. Did a full rebuild on the G07 monitor and got the conversion game fully working.


After taking S&S side art off with a heat gun (A Great Success!):

After luckily getting a Marquee, Control Panel and working Stargate PCB with wiring harness that I did a lithium battery mod on.

Just needs a new Stargate CPO! Btw, if you saw in the pics, the side art is in AMAZING SHAPE!  Grin
7  Arcade and Pinball Discussions / Gameplay strategy and high-score discussions / Re: Donkey kong 3 on: July 23, 2014, 07:50:49 am
Yeah! That was quite the ninty row!  ;) It would be cool if we saw DK3 back in the basement!
8  Tech and Marketplace / For Sale / Wanted / Re: $50 empty Ninetendo Cabinets NY on: July 16, 2014, 02:31:41 pm
I paid this guy a visit.  Grabbed the empty DK Jr cabinet and a non-working Centipede he had.  They're in good hands.  :-)

Nice, what's your plans with them? You going to restore the JR.?
9  Tech and Marketplace / For Sale / Wanted / Re: $50 empty Ninetendo Cabinets NY on: July 08, 2014, 10:33:08 pm
Wish I was closer!  Shocked I have most of the things to make a DK Jr. but no cab. Undecided
10  Tech and Marketplace / I need help with my game! - Technical Discussion / Re: No video on Asteroids on: July 08, 2014, 10:28:08 pm
I hear the usual monitors in Atari Asteroids are the Electrohome G05's. Look at the monitor and see if there is neck glow when the game is on. If there isn't any, the monitor isn't turning on at all. If the neck is glowing, the video from Asteroids is not getting to the monitor. If there is no glow then you are probably going to have to buy a cap kit with xsistors. These are available at Bob Roberts. One thing you will have to check is the model number. You need to see if the model number on the monitor is the G05-801 (most likely), or the G05-802. From, there on you can buy the kit specified for your monitor with xsistors.  ;)
11  Arcade and Pinball Discussions / General Arcade and Video Game Discussions / Re: Artwork site - Free download on: July 07, 2014, 11:29:26 am
Great Site! I have never seen this place before!
12  Arcade and Pinball Discussions / Gameplay strategy and high-score discussions / Re: Donkey kong 3 on: July 02, 2014, 12:43:14 am
You guys are good at the game! I don't think I have broken 200k. FUN. ASS. GAME.
Thanks John! You are definitely right about hard, but once you get used to it, it actually isn't all that bad! Smiley
13  Arcade and Pinball Discussions / Gameplay strategy and high-score discussions / Re: Donkey kong 3 on: July 01, 2014, 04:15:06 pm
That world record is unbelievable
I find once you get to level 20 and kong starts throwing coconuts or what ever they are, it gets really hard.
Our scores are very  close together, do you find this ?
Thanks for posting pics of your cab looks great .
Yeah once I get to those levels, I have a larger chance of dying because of the coconuts.
George Riley actually filmed some of his long DK3 games on YouTube -
14  Arcade and Pinball Discussions / Gameplay strategy and high-score discussions / Re: Donkey kong 3 on: June 30, 2014, 09:40:06 pm
Nice Score!  ;) I also, absolutely love 3! It was my first cab and the best cab! I really need to spruce my DK3 up but just haven't got to it yet. I need to buy new side-art, t-molding, a instruction sticker designed by John, and a coin sticker. I was planning on all this but more games popped up that I had to buy! Grin Also, I was unable to get a DK3 wiring harness so I made a custom one so that I could use any nintendo board and plug in any jamma game in also. The world record on DK3 is a mind blowing 8,772,700 by George Riley compared to the second score of 2,583,000. 

My current high score on DK3 is 386,000. Smiley

15  Arcade and Pinball Discussions / General Arcade and Video Game Discussions / Re: New Competition for pins, vids, and prize money on: June 29, 2014, 05:27:10 pm
Looks fantastic!  Grin
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