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1  Tech and Marketplace / I need help with my game! - Technical Discussion / ROM CHIPS on: November 01, 2013, 12:09:15 pm
Hey guys,

      I just picked up a tron upright cab and am in the middle of restoring said cab. I want to play around with ROM's! I was thinking of picking up another PCB, an taking off the rom chips off that to get them on tron! (Tron is missing one I think). It's a local post of a game called splash or painted lady. Not sure about it but I see lots of ROM chips on the board. 20$, should I do it? Will the rom chips be compatible if I writes we them?
2  Tech and Marketplace / I need help with my game! - Technical Discussion / Re: Pole position display. on: October 05, 2013, 11:55:55 pm
Got it working. Now I just need to figure out what the white and black wires coming from power are? It works with them just hanging there?!?!?!?!?! I has no idea?
3  Tech and Marketplace / I need help with my game! - Technical Discussion / Re: Pole position display. on: October 04, 2013, 09:11:50 am
Aright, so the board wasn't getting the needed 5V. So I have it working fine now, now I'm trying to figure out the video from the arcade. What video format is 5 wires off the PCB? And I. Pols like someone already did the heat bypass on this unit directl through the boardand. It the exe connector. The wires end at a small connector, that has 6 openings but just uses the 5 wires. The the ground splits off the main again to another connector that has 2. So I have a 6 connector and a 2 connector? Where do they go? What are they called?
4  Tech and Marketplace / I need help with my game! - Technical Discussion / Pole position display. on: October 03, 2013, 08:33:39 pm
Hello all,

    DISCLAIMER!!!!!!!!!!!!! HERESEY AHEAD!!!!!!!! I am going to  be having to use an LCD monitor on my pole position for now!!!!!!!!!!!!

   Unfortunately, I don't know really what to do as I am new to arcade repair.  I have my video out cords, ( yellow and red, yellow and green, yellow and blue, purple and grey and green with white(? Not sure on the last one), but five out. R, b, g, horizontal sync & ground. I bought one of the cga to vga converters from paradise arcades until I can get a CRT for my cab. Is my video connected using cga? How do I get my cga to vga converter to even work. As of now, just using vga to a monitor, I can't even get my menu on the board to display. So lost and frustrated. The game works and I can hear sounds and when I use pedal it all works, just no video.....please help.

     I also found two return wires on the left bundled with the marquee light wires. It's a thicker black and white wire that goes down to the power board. I hve pictures of all if need be, I'm just posting from phone and don't see an option to upload. Thanks again all and any help is welcomed!

5  Tech and Marketplace / I need help with my game! - Technical Discussion / Re: Speaker issue! on: September 27, 2013, 12:22:23 pm
Lol, just the volume pot on the PCB. Lol. Thanks for your possible solutions though!
   - Thanks
6  Tech and Marketplace / I need help with my game! - Technical Discussion / Speaker issue! on: September 25, 2013, 09:01:39 am
Hi all,
       I'm working on a upright restore and I just replaced the mono speaker and for some reason, sound comes out but I need to hold the speaker to my head because it's so quiet. I'm not new to wiring but am new to speakers. The original was a 5.5 in 4 ohm 7watt speaker, the replacement is a 4 in 4 ohm 8 watt speaker. I was told ohms was what you wanted consistent so I thought this would work. Is it the speaker? I can hear the game just really quiet. HELP!!!!!
       Thanks much all!
7  General Category / Introduce Yourself / Southeastern, MN on: September 20, 2013, 11:16:30 pm
Just really decided to start collecting. Watching john fix up his really inspired me to do the same with mine. I have a working multicade that I received from my parents, and an old EM pinball machine as well. I always thought an arcade would be fun, especially now that I'm going to be a dad as well as the fact that I loved them when I was a kid! I miss them so much and want that for my kids! I just bought a pole position upright, and am working on the conversion to LCD for now, I just want to be able to play because it came with no monitor, but hopefully I will replace with CRT down the road. Also I am planning on picking up a Tetris upright this Sunday. Hopefully with what I know of electronics, soldering, and jerry-rigging, I can really get into this and have my arcade basement for all my family and friends to enjoy! You've inspired me john, keep up the vids and thanks for the thought that we can fix these old games and still enjoy them!
8  General Category / Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello from Woodbury, MN on: September 20, 2013, 11:07:20 pm
I've had a multicade and an EM Pinball for sometime. I recently decided to purchase an original pole position. And I'm super happy that I did. The monitor was gone so I have to figure out the Hz issue there with LCD while I find a CRT, but I'm already obsessed. I'm picking up a Tetris arcade machine game i hope on Sunday as well. Think its  going to be a great learning experience and can't wait to delve Into it more!
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