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1  Tech and Marketplace / I need help with my game! - Technical Discussion / Re: Gyruss Control Panel and Voltages Help, no coin door power on: September 29, 2017, 03:55:46 pm
I figured it out. The edge connector I think was leaning a bit to the parts side of the board, because of he weight of the cables pulling it to that side. Once I wiggled the cables to the right, to the solder side of the board, the coin door lit up.
2  Tech and Marketplace / I need help with my game! - Technical Discussion / Gyruss Control Panel and Voltages Help, no coin door power on: September 28, 2017, 08:28:59 pm
I recently picked up a Gyruss and Time Pilot, and started working on the Gyruss. When playing the game, you know the ship moves in 360 degrees. But I couldn't get the ship to move on the right side from 12 o'clock to 6 o'clock. I thought maybe the microswitch on the joystick was bad, but I connected the Time Pilot control panel (identical layout) to the Gyruss and still the same problem. Also, I tested the Gyruss control panel on the Time Pilot, and the joystick worked fine, moving the Time Pilot ship 360 degrees.

I finally got to the back to check out the PCB, detached and then reattached the PCB edge connector. Now, I'm able to get full 360 degree movement with the joystick. But now I have no power to the coin door, which I did have before. Coin door lights won't light up, and hitting the trigger rarely registers a credit.

Using my multimeter on the power supply, when I measure -5v at 5.0, the +5v is around 5.3 or .4 and the +12v is around 12.3. If I dial the +5v back, the monitor colors start acting up.

Also, separate issue: not getting any sound out of left speaker. Top pot that controls it, turned it left or right, nothing coming out of left speaker.

So....I'm a total newbie here. I was doing mostly cosmetic cleanup to the cabinet, which looks great but was dirty (I can't believe people let arcade games get to a sorry state, the Time Pilot cabinet is even worse!). But I just started getting into trying to troubleshoot with my limited knowledge.

What should I check out? Should I get a new power supply? Is the edge connector bad? How tight should the edge connector be on the PCB?

Thanks in advance!
3  General Category / Introduce Yourself / Hello from PA on: September 26, 2017, 02:06:39 pm
Hello everyone!

Excited to be here. My name is Brendon and I live in southeastern PA in Berks County. I just picked up my first two arcade cabinets last week: Time Pilot and Gyruss! I'm excited to learn more on cleaning, restoring, troubleshooting, etc. I'm working on the Gyruss first, and I just have to thank John for his YouTube Channel, because without that, I would have no idea what I'm doing! Fortunately, I noticed that he has two playlists, one each for a Time Pilot and Gyruss restore, so that will help tremendously! I will also be posting my videos on my youtube channel, in case anyone is interested in my progress. My channel is mostly related to video games and such. Thanks ahead of time for all of your help!

-Mr. Weaverface
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