I've got an old Game Elf 138/1 that came in an arcade cabinet I recently picked up. I'd like to upgrade the SD card to a new version with over 700 games. Does anyone know where I can buy an updated card?
Agreed on not all machines listed with the word Arcade. I live in Charlotte, NC and most games get gobbled up quick by a business near here that buys them cheap off of Craig's List and then sets their price at $1200 or more.
I was fortunate in finding a Centipede in fantastic condition for $225. I am confident I was able to find this machine first because the seller listed it as a Video Game and never mentioned the word Arcade. I'm Looking forward to trying Chrome!
Does anyone know if I can use 3/4" T molding on my Track and Field? I saw a post somewhere that stated Centuri cabinets have offset the molding. Thanks for any info!