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Tech and Marketplace / I need help with my game! - Technical Discussion / Re: pole position are help
on: August 24, 2015, 06:25:32 am
Just a side note. The sense mod doesn't bypass the edge connector, it only stops the sense adjustment from happening. When the circuit senses low voltage it apply's more and more until it burns/ melts the edge connector. Grounds and +5 strapping on all points on both boards for sure protects from any issues but the sense is a must on all ARII psu's.
Tech and Marketplace / For Sale / Wanted / Heat resistant mat
on: August 15, 2015, 02:50:59 pm
As seen in Johns video: I have a bunch of surplus material that is heat resistant. You can actually hold a soldering iron on this and it will not affect it. There is some black staining on the back side from an aluminum table it was used on. I have it in 28" width and have cut some at 24" for 15.00 shipped. If you need multiples or longer lengths let me know.