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1  Arcade and Pinball Discussions / General Arcade and Video Game Discussions / Game-a-tron space zap? on: November 25, 2020, 02:00:58 pm
    Ive been doing some digging looking for information. I figured maybe some of you fine people could help me out. I ended up finding a Game-a-tron space zap at an estate sale in Georgia. It had been in their basement since about 1980/81 . I can't find anything about this particular edition online other than one picture, with no other info. It is labeled Game-a-tron. The play sounds are different, and it doesn't have the space ship that zooms around the base after a round. Everything I find says game-a-tron licensed this to midway, but I can't find any other info on this cabinet. Any information or thoughts where to look would be great.
    I can't figure out how to post a picture for the life of me. It is a blue stand up cabinet with large rocket on the side. If someone can help me.out with adding pics, I have several to upload.
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