Has anybody else ever ran into Jail bars across the ghost sprites in the play field but not in the Ghost name section? Pac Man himself is fine its just the ghost that follow him on title screen and maze....weird one?
Yeah had a broken everything pacman show up locally for sale and had the Ebay virus , owner wanted 7-800 bucks ..monitor dead,pcb dead,artwork trashed etc...
I swapped out Ir2 last night still same situation Ian. The only thing I have not replaced was c35 and d4 d5, both diodes flowed in correct path but also heat up when plugged up . Got me stumped some one on klov suggested the multiplier bypass that would connect to speaker- on the galaxian pcb so i unplugged it but still same issue.
Just curious if any one ever dealt with this on a Galaxian pcb. The 4ohm 10w resistor is getting blazing hot and game will not boot. I have changed the D44vm4 transistor twice,the 2 10,000uf filter caps and 4ohm 10w resistor...same outcome. I am hooking it up in a Pac Man machine I don't know if that is the issue or not. Pac Man pcbs plays fine in the machine...any one got any ideas? I got a 60 in 1 in the Galaxian cab and am not happy with it...want to go back original..any ideas would be greatly appreciated..thanks for looking