Picked up a 1976 Gottlieb Ship Ahoy from a yard sale. The owner informed me that restored, the game would fetch a $4000.00 price tag. How could I resist such a valuable game? He turned it on and it clicked repeatedly and would not stop. He told me that some pinball guru from South Carolina would be in town and could repair the game. He sold me the game for $275 and took it home. I got it home and looked it over for a bit and figured out that that ball counter was the mech that was constantly actuating. The number of
selection was 5 and 3
. The 5 ball position had build up on it, so I cleaned it and turn on the game and it went to 5
and stopped. So the game plays fine now. Some of the lights are not coming on so I need to dive in some more and get those running.