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General Category / Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello
on: December 15, 2015, 07:24:50 am
Hey Tim, similar situation in Delaware for the most part. I DO have a barcade that I go to every Tuesday night. I try to talk as much arcade as I can while I am there. It holds me over now until the next event.
Arcade and Pinball Discussions / Beginner's Help Corner / Asteroids Deluxe, Reset After a Couple hours
on: December 14, 2015, 08:44:29 am
Just got an Asteroids Deluxe. I really love the game, but there are a few minor things that appear to be happening with the game that I was curious about. It seems that after having the game on for a couple of hours it will reset sometimes. Reading on the internet it seems that it could have something to do with the edge connector. Also occasionally it seems to forget one high score. These are not huge issues since gameplay is completely fine, and my games don't last long enough to have it reset on me. Just curious as to why it may be doing this so I can get around to fixing it at some point if I have to.
Tech and Marketplace / For Sale / Wanted / HELP! Looking for first cabinet for home.
on: December 09, 2015, 03:45:15 pm
Hey All!
Looking for my first game. I live in Delaware, so anything within 1-200 miles would be okay. Having trouble with craigslist. I am SUPPOSED to get a pac-man on Sunday, but the guy seems to be flaking out. Figured I would come here for help. I already have another post looking for Warlords. I'm basically looking for anything Atari, (centipede, missile command, asteroids deluxe) Also would not mind a pac man. I'm hoping to get some games I am familiar with first like a classic and then maybe a Street Fighter 2. Then I want to start restoring. Baby Steps I guess... Let me know if you can help!
Tech and Marketplace / For Sale / Wanted / WTB: Warlords Cocktail
on: December 09, 2015, 02:44:38 pm
Really saw how much fun it was at Grinkers this past October. I think it would be great to have one in the basement for when friends come over. Looking for something within 200 miles unless it was shipped I guess. Will post on KLOV as well.
Other Stuff / Off Topic / Re: Hanna-Barbera Saturday Mornings
on: October 05, 2015, 06:32:23 am
Being only in my mid 20's. I only got to experience most of this on Boomerang. But this was before boomerang was a full blown network, when they would only play the shows late night on Cartoon Network. I do feel though that I am one of the last generations, that will remember seeing any incarnation of this on tv