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1  Arcade and Pinball Discussions / General Arcade and Video Game Discussions / Re: What is a dedicated Ms. Pac-man with a "bad" monitor worth??? on: February 06, 2015, 10:18:36 pm
I think $200 is fair.

Keep in mind, this thing is junk to them right now. Busted. Take it away as-is.

The monitor sounds like it has collapse. Common issue easy fix. Rebuild the monitor.

Or they may have disabled the monitor on purpose to hide the other broken stuff .
this is done a lot at that new haven auction john.. they unplug the monitor because the boards are hosed

It would still play blind. If not - board or power issues also.

Pacs are among the easiest to fix, there's tons of documentation out there. Buy for cab condition, plenty of parts come easily.
2  Tech and Marketplace / For Sale / Wanted / Re: PC 10 nes adapter on: December 28, 2014, 08:54:04 pm
Howell does the everdrive work? Every thing I've read said you can only use the powerpak. But I've read the everdrive is better never understood why it wouldn't work. Good to know to does.

Just got one of these from Buffet for a dual monitor PC10 with a Everdrive N8 flash cart.

Still trying out some games, wanted to test a variety of titles before giving a full review. Media type seems to be really finicky - I've only found that Kingston SDHC cards seem to get along with the adapter before giving IO errors.

Might pick up a Powerpak and see how the two compare.
3  Nintendo Talk / NINTENDO PC-10 FORUM (Playchoice) / Re: PC10 dual monitor overlay replacement question on: December 27, 2014, 09:25:30 pm
I keep thinking about replacing mine but the only game in town has no precut holes:

I've been abit chicken about this for awhile now but I've seen John do a couple in his videos but they always have precut holes to line up.  So I'm here asking if anyone has any tips for lining this up right and cutting the holes in this pain in the...well you know...

Just got one from arcadeoverlays. It was a bit hard lining up without the die cut holes but a flashlight underneath shining through the holes helped line up the overlay nicely.
4  Tech and Marketplace / For Sale / Wanted / Re: PC 10 nes adapter on: December 27, 2014, 09:21:11 pm
Just got one of these from Buffet for a dual monitor PC10 with a Everdrive N8 flash cart.
5  General Category / Comments about John's videos and / Re: 1 vid a day ? on: December 27, 2014, 09:19:15 pm
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