Hey guys, ran across one of John's vids a few months back and the rest is history!!!....since then I have bought a few arcades of my own. First craigslist find was a Big Buck Hunter and what I thought was a pole position 2. Got em both home and immediately got to work on em. Buck hunter had a bad hard drive and pole position had the typical burnt edge connector. Ordered a hard drive for the buck hunter and repaired the pole position that same night. Powered up the pole positon and low an behold, it was a pp1 instead of pp2 like the marqee and bezel showed....what a find since I really wanted a pp1 over pp2 and has since been restored back to pp1...I'm currently restoring a Dig Dug at the moment and have purchased the guts to a Ms. Pacman and Galaga for future projects...just needs to build the cabs for both of them...just got to say that I've learned alot from John's vids and is what inspired me to start my own arcde!!!!