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1  Tech and Marketplace / I need help with my game! - Technical Discussion / Re: Was fine but now I'm seeing double on: September 30, 2014, 01:47:16 am
Just thought of something else

I bet your monitor chassis is able to be used with standard Rez and medium res and you put it on the wrong spot of the board
Be sure the connector is on the correct spot on the board. 

My cruisn usa Frankenstein cab had a bad monitor when I got it. 

Tried a standard res chassis in it and it would work but had double vision.   It needed a med res chassis

2  Tech and Marketplace / I need help with my game! - Technical Discussion / Re: Was fine but now I'm seeing double on: September 30, 2014, 01:36:12 am
I know for sure that an extra couple volts can make games run poorly ,  I don't know about the double vision though.

I just brought home a big buck hunter that kept rebooting. Just as the lady explained that sold it to me

On start up self check I could see quickly in red text "VOLTAGE TOO HIGH"

The game would run for a minute and then reboot. 

Checked the PS and was getting 14v from the 12v

I turned it down to the proper 12v.   

Turned the machine on,  now in yellow text "voltage good" and no longer reboots and plays great

I would change the PS first if you can't turn it down to the proper 12v and go from there

Hope you get it goin !

3  Tech and Marketplace / I need help with my game! - Technical Discussion / Re: MONITOR TROUBLESHOOTING FLOW CHARTS - LINKS on: September 19, 2014, 12:44:53 am
Anybody have a flow chart on a wells gardner u5000 ?

4  Tech and Marketplace / I need help with my game! - Technical Discussion / Re: Does a sanyo z2aw Nintendo monitor chassis use the same flyback as the 20 ez? on: September 19, 2014, 12:36:50 am
Reporting confirmed !    Grin
5  Arcade and Pinball Discussions / General Arcade and Video Game Discussions / Re: Is it worth doing this to a Commando Cabinets? on: September 15, 2014, 11:38:45 am

dont your hurting the value if you redid the wiring to standard jamma. [what were they thinking]

the original board would work [since its jamma].

Commando from data east is NOT standard jamma!

I bought a cheap spare board that was listed as broken jamma commando

Board works great with no repairs !!   It's NOT JAMMA!

Best $10 free shipping I ever spent!
6  Nintendo Talk / NINTENDO PC-10 FORUM (Playchoice) / Re: PC 10 duel monitor on: September 14, 2014, 11:37:26 pm
Rush and attack
Double dribble are the other 2 games

Found a bad trace on the bottom monitor
Jumper installed and monitor is great !

The top monitor got a cap kit installed already but I found a ceramic resistor blown and am waiting for it to arrive as radio hack did not stock the 7w 1.5 ohm or acceptable

I believe after I replace it the top monitor will be good !

I bought a cap kit delux, flyback,HOT.voltage reg,and filter cap for both but only fixed the trace on the bottom monitor to fire it up!
7  Tech and Marketplace / I need help with my game! - Technical Discussion / Does a sanyo z2aw Nintendo monitor chassis use the same flyback as the 20 ez? on: September 11, 2014, 01:59:48 am
Does a sanyo z2aw Nintendo monitor chassis use the same flyback and caps as the 20 ez?

Ordered parts for 2 monitors. 20ez delux kits and flyback

Looked closer and I have the z2aw model x2

Will these parts work ??  Thanks
8  Tech and Marketplace / For Sale / Wanted / Re: PRE-sale for the Playchoice Adapter. on: September 11, 2014, 12:09:57 am
I'm interested !
9  Tech and Marketplace / I need help with my game! - Technical Discussion / Re: Sanyo 20 EZ rebuild on: September 10, 2014, 10:31:35 pm
He has the "hot" too.  Just ask in the email what you want and he prices it up in a return email
10  Nintendo Talk / NINTENDO PC-10 FORUM (Playchoice) / Re: PC 10 duel monitor on: September 10, 2014, 07:55:14 pm
Two dead monitors

Took the top one out tested and removed the chassis

Not getting any b+ reading on ether monitor

Ordered new cap kit and flyback for both just to have them
And new hots for both.  Both hots currently check good.

No neck glow  no sound  fuse is good.
Diaods 401-404 check good I think

What else should I check for a dead board?

All caps look normal ,  no explodes or anything noticeable
No cold solder I can find.
Continuity of traces check good

Any help is appreciated! And thanks ! 
11  Nintendo Talk / NINTENDO PC-10 FORUM (Playchoice) / Re: PC 10 duel monitor on: September 06, 2014, 12:50:34 pm
Well I got the machine and I think I got a good score!

I do believe it just needs a cap kit x2

The pcb seams to get power and lights on the board illuminate
Checked the power supply and all voltages are working
I checked the voltage to the monitor and it's getting the 100v it wants so it must be cap kits

I guess the sound boards are in with the monitor board area
Both have no sound or signs of life from the monitor

I ordered 2x deluxe cap kits and 2 "hot" from bob Roberts !


Slight screen burn in the top monitor that I didn't even see until I took of the glass to clean it

The cab has the light gun and holster !

Packed full of games
King fu
Hogans ally
Mario bros
Super mario bros
And 2 others I forget

He also gave me 4 big case like boxes for Nintendo vs

The case has a marque , glass for marque, license sticker, and game chips

4 cases.   Can these be used in the PC 10? Or is it a vs only?


12  Nintendo Talk / NINTENDO PC-10 FORUM (Playchoice) / PC 10 duel monitor on: September 05, 2014, 12:44:01 am
Going to look at a PC 10 duel tomorrow

Guy said the board works but both monitors are out
And it should be full of games

If it's just cap kits im good to fix it or a PS


Any thoughts of  what to check first for the duel  monitor ?

Should I plug it in to try and hear it make noise before I buy?
Should be full of games.   "No exact number given in text"
"Or game titles"
13  Arcade and Pinball Discussions / Beginner's Help Corner / Re: General Help Information for the New Collector / Restorer. on: September 05, 2014, 12:25:29 am
I'd like to highly recommend this excellent video John made about how to fix a dead arcade game. It has tips for social engineering strategies you can use to make sure you get a great from the seller (e.g. don't let them plug in the game) as well as a great diagnosis and ultimate resolution of a "dead" machine.

GREAT VIDEO!    Thanks John.   You inspired me and now I have 4 machines and possibly another tomorrow

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