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Tech and Marketplace => I need help with my game! - Technical Discussion => Topic started by: Servo on March 24, 2014, 09:32:04 am

Title: Donkey Kong Help!
Post by: Servo on March 24, 2014, 09:32:04 am
I am having a problem with my donkey kong, i think it may be a sync issue but im not sure. It's an all original game, except for the power supply, it has been changed to a switcher. Sanyo EZ 20 monitor. The game turns on fine but after a while, and the time varies, the video cuts out. sometimes it plays alright for half an hour sometimes it happens right away. the game is still playing and the sound is still on. Not sure if its a sync or a voltage issue. ive tried two different switchers and im getting good voltage so i dont think its the power supply. any help on this would be appreciated. Thanks...



Title: Re: Donkey Kong Help!
Post by: ousoonerfan2006 on March 24, 2014, 11:10:15 am
I had a similar problem and it turned out to be one of the pots on the pcb, definitely a sync related issue

Title: Re: Donkey Kong Help!
Post by: iankellogg on March 24, 2014, 12:07:59 pm
that is horizontal sync issues. Turning the hsync pot does nothing? I would check the pot and the connector to the PCB to make sure the sync wire is okay.

Title: Re: Donkey Kong Help!
Post by: Servo on March 24, 2014, 02:44:39 pm
yeah i think i figured it out, i have a bad pot at vr2 vertical positioning, ordering a new pair now. hope that dose the trick, thanks for the help


Title: Re: Donkey Kong Help!
Post by: Servo on March 27, 2014, 09:30:01 pm
im putting up a lot of tech posts today. i changed out the pots at vr1 and vr2 and im still getting the same result. when i try to adjust the horizontal position the screen loses sync. the vertical position works just fine. all i have to do is just touch it and the picture goes out.... kong needs help!

Title: Re: Donkey Kong Help!
Post by: iankellogg on March 27, 2014, 09:51:40 pm
I had this exact problem tonight on my new dkjr. Have you adjusted the hsync hold pot in the upper right of the pcb?

Title: Re: Donkey Kong Help!
Post by: John's Arcade on March 28, 2014, 09:49:06 am
I had this exact problem tonight on my new dkjr. Have you adjusted the hsync hold pot in the upper right of the pcb?

yeah, it really looks like a pot issue. I'd start turning the ones on top of the PCB and the one in the center of the monitor for h-hold.

Title: Re: Donkey Kong Help!
Post by: Servo on March 28, 2014, 02:32:14 pm

when you say the pots at the top of the pcb are you talking about the the ones at vr1 and vr2, cause i just changed out those two pots and im having the same result. those are for H and V positioning. the vertical pot works fine, but if i just touch the H positioning pot it it loses sync. uuuuggg!

Title: Re: Donkey Kong Help!
Post by: iankellogg on March 28, 2014, 02:34:00 pm
On the main monitor pcb near the video input is the hhold

Title: Re: Donkey Kong Help!
Post by: Servo on March 28, 2014, 02:52:10 pm
will try tonight, i got a replacement pot coming from bob roberts.

Title: Re: Donkey Kong Help!
Post by: John's Arcade on March 28, 2014, 03:32:34 pm

when you say the pots at the top of the pcb are you talking about the the ones at vr1 and vr2, cause i just changed out those two pots and im having the same result. those are for H and V positioning. the vertical pot works fine, but if i just touch the H positioning pot it it loses sync. uuuuggg!

Then mess with the h-hold pot on the center of the monitor chassis. It's hard to get to and find. Have you touched that one?

Title: Re: Donkey Kong Help!
Post by: VertexGuy on March 28, 2014, 10:35:10 pm
without getting shocked lol..

Title: Re: Donkey Kong Help!
Post by: Servo on March 29, 2014, 10:15:16 am
well ive seemed to have fixed the problem, it wasn't easy getting to and man i could feel the static electricity on my hand, i was just waiting to get shocked. By adjusting the H hold on the chassis im now able to adjust the H position on the board without losing sync and the game plays great. one thing though, i tried to make the the horizontal size bigger by adjusting the H size coil and i got nothing, it wouldn't make it any larger or smaller. I have a good amount of empty space on the top and bottom of the screen, about 3 inches. My question is, how should the screen be set, should there be a lot of space of the top and bottom or should it fill most of the screen?

Title: Re: Re: Re: Donkey Kong Help!
Post by: John's Arcade on March 29, 2014, 12:32:55 pm
well ive seemed to have fixed the problem, it wasn't easy getting to and man i could feel the static electricity on my hand, i was just waiting to get shocked. By adjusting the H hold on the chassis im now able to adjust the H position on the board without losing sync and the game plays great. one thing though, i tried to make the the horizontal size bigger by adjusting the H size coil and i got nothing, it wouldn't make it any larger or smaller. I have a good amount of empty space on the top and bottom of the screen, about 3 inches. My question is, how should the screen be set, should there be a lot of space of the top and bottom or should it fill most of the screen?

There should be some black space top and bottom and less left and right. You just gotta eyeball it.