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Arcade and Pinball Discussions => General Arcade and Video Game Discussions => Topic started by: jasonsmith on March 04, 2014, 01:16:07 am

Title: Arcade Boards Stock or Jamma or the same?
Post by: jasonsmith on March 04, 2014, 01:16:07 am
I spend a lot of time looking on eBay and I keep seeing listings that state original board, not a Jamma board. Then I see what appears to be original boards that say "Capcom" on one side then Jamma on the other.

I'm confused, did Jamma make boards for the manufacturers? Where they copied by Jamma? Why would some boards have both Jamma and a manufacturer name on them? What's an original board?

Title: Re: Arcade Boards Stock or Jamma or the same?
Post by: knaagi on March 04, 2014, 04:17:30 am
JAMMA is a wiring standard, not a manufacturer. See below. (

I think what you saw were boards made after 1985, featuring the JAMMA standard connector.

Title: Re: Arcade Boards Stock or Jamma or the same?
Post by: UnwoundS3GA on March 04, 2014, 10:04:42 am
Yes, Jamma is a standardized pin-out. Jamma came out in 1985.

Title: Re: Arcade Boards Stock or Jamma or the same?
Post by: jasonsmith on March 04, 2014, 11:52:47 am
Ah, that makes more sense. So when people are stating original board and not a Jamma board they don't have a clue? Unless of course boards for the same game were made in an orginal pinout and then later a Jamma pinout?

Title: Re: Arcade Boards Stock or Jamma or the same?
Post by: iankellogg on March 04, 2014, 03:37:23 pm
ignore literally everything someone posts on ebay most of the time they are wrong. Look for keywords like
tested working
tested non-working
ALWAYS double check pictures online with pictures on ebay, that way you know if you are truly getting a complete boardset or non-bootleg

When you find something look it up, see if it used jamma or not. Before Jamma came out 1985ish games would use whatever pinout they felt like. Pacman, ms pac, galaxian all used the same pinout but donkey kong or galaga use different pinout. If you EVER have a question about a PCB just post it on the forums and me or someone else will be more than willing to answer it for you.