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Arcade and Pinball Discussions => General Arcade and Video Game Discussions => Topic started by: lesoleil70 on February 21, 2014, 06:13:18 am

Title: MS Pac - GONE - well...sort of.
Post by: lesoleil70 on February 21, 2014, 06:13:18 am
It's gone. well the cabinet anyway.

It never even made it to the house, I don't have a garage or a large shed, it's been in storage over my parents house for months and I kinda forgot about it, but this week I was put under pressure to take it away.

Goodbye rat piss smell, goodbye smelly side art.

I haven't properly documented this one, but i'll do it here for those that love this stuff, probably because I knew I was on a loser with this one from the start. Every other weekend I've been looking over it in my parents shed, wondering what the fuck I was going to do. My father was complaining the smell was stinking out his shed, so a decision was made yesterday evening, and out came the toolbox.

What I have kept.

PCB has been salvaged, buttons, looms, speaker, control panel, joystick,  glass, but no bezel(too fucked and torn ) a cracked marquee which I probably should have thrown.
The PCB was tested and is working, so basically I need a cabinet , monitor and some side art and a bezel and power and the art for the front. Which when I think about it now with a bit more knowledge than when I picked this up a few months back, it's not beyond at all is it.....but to me 3 months ago it was a walk away situation.

The monitor was trashed before I got it - that went ages ago.

So - why did I "quit" this cabinet?

Basically the smell.  I'm pretty handy with the old cleaning fluid, but even I couldn't polish this turd and roll it in glitter to make it shine like a diamond.

This cabinet was once a home for rodents, and they have pissed and pissed and pissed and had babies who pissed and shit and died in the cab. You know that smell you get when you walk into a gents toilet that hasn't been cleaned. Multiply that by 10 and you may be close to the taste you get on your tongue just by being near it. Or think Metal Jesus Rocks - There you go, that taste.

So the cabinet is now firewood. I even took off the serial number, and the bulbs.  There was no coin door mech or bucket, that was just a hole in the front of the machine.

But there is a happy ending, what could be salvaged, WAS salvaged, but in all honesty, no one would have this in their house, basement, Teen centre (er). It was saved from the skip, but most was rescued.

The parts on the other hand, all nice and clean now, just the cabinet was beyond salvation.

Just in case there are offers on any of this - not for sale sorry, I committed to this "restore" knowing it was long term, but swollen damp pissy cabinet was never gonna make it.

So machine #3, which is technically machine #1 may be along soon.  depending on what becomes available I may just get any old donor cab to get this up and running, I may even try and get the dims of the original cabinet and make one.  If anyone has these drawings - that would be cool. Finding a donor Ms Pacman cabinet, HMM may be easier to find rocking horse shit..but who knows.

For now that's all folks.

But seriously if anyone has the technical drawings for a cabinet that can rehouse this , that would be super cool.

Toodle pip.

Title: Re: MS Pac - GONE - well...sort of.
Post by: iankellogg on February 21, 2014, 10:29:12 am
well I just finished a PCB for a pac->jamma if you want one.

Title: Re: MS Pac - GONE - well...sort of.
Post by: lesoleil70 on February 21, 2014, 05:08:50 pm
well I just finished a PCB for a pac->jamma if you want one.
been eyeing one up...let's see how the karate champ deal goes, maybe it can go in the package...

Title: Re: MS Pac - GONE - well...sort of.
Post by: STEVESPEEZE on February 23, 2014, 06:21:22 pm
I moment of silence for ms pac man ................ ok

Damn man.  I need to find one decent pac man cab to rebuild and people are tossing them out lol..

Title: Re: MS Pac - GONE - well...sort of.
Post by: lordkahless214 on February 23, 2014, 06:37:36 pm
The Ms Pac cabs are very common, both old original cabs and new reproduction cabinets (mine is a repro) , so it shouldn't be too hard to find one to put the guts in when you are ready, I hate what rodents do to cabinets.

Title: Re: MS Pac - GONE - well...sort of.
Post by: lesoleil70 on February 27, 2014, 03:50:19 pm
Yeah I'm actively looking every day now. Message is out etc etc.

I'll put some pics up later then you can all see what I was dealing with, or not dealing with...

Just see it more as saving a Ms Pac, not tossing one away.  It was originally being tossed away, and most of it will see another cabinet now.