John's Arcade Forum - Classic Arcade and Pinball Collecting and Restoring Discussion Forum - RETRO MAME - Nintendo Vs Forum

Arcade and Pinball Discussions => General Arcade and Video Game Discussions => Topic started by: deadite on February 09, 2014, 10:10:08 am

Title: Thanks to John and the Arcade Outsiders I have caught the bug
Post by: deadite on February 09, 2014, 10:10:08 am
I stumbled upon John's Arcade a couple of months ago when I was looking to recap my MAME monitor. That led me to the Arcade Outsiders Podcast, and thanks to you guys,  I have caught the bug and started collecting. I saw a great deal on Craigslist for a Donkey Kong, a Super Pacman, and a Space Invaders for $450 for the lot. When I talked with the seller he said that none of them work. I was excited when I saw that the Donkey Kong was in great shape. After 3 trips during a snowstorm yesterday I made it back and tried them out. The Donkey Kong fired right up but I think the monitor needs a recap kit. The Super Pacman has a rom error and the Space Invaders power button is busted. I will have to drill the lock on that one and take a look. In a few days I will be picking up a Gladiators Pinball from a guy off of KLOV.
And so it begins. ;D


Title: Re: Thanks to John and the Arcade Outsiders I have caught the bug
Post by: deadite on February 09, 2014, 10:15:30 am
Here are some shots of the Super Pacman and the Space Invaders.


Title: Re: Thanks to John and the Arcade Outsiders I have caught the bug
Post by: John's Arcade on February 09, 2014, 10:43:06 am
Dude, that's a score right there! GREAT WORK.

On the Donkey Kong monitor (20EZ), there is a horizontal hold pot in the center of the monitor chassis. Try turning that to fix the picture.

Title: Re: Thanks to John and the Arcade Outsiders I have caught the bug
Post by: STEVESPEEZE on February 09, 2014, 03:56:39 pm
I stumbled upon John's Arcade a couple of months ago when I was looking to recap my MAME monitor. That led me to the Arcade Outsiders Podcast, and thanks to you guys,  I have caught the bug and started collecting. I saw a great deal on Craigslist for a Donkey Kong, a Super Pacman, and a Space Invaders for $450 for the lot. When I talked with the seller he said that none of them work. I was excited when I saw that the Donkey Kong was in great shape. After 3 trips during a snowstorm yesterday I made it back and tried them out. The Donkey Kong fired right up but I think the monitor needs a recap kit. The Super Pacman has a rom error and the Space Invaders power button is busted. I will have to drill the lock on that one and take a look. In a few days I will be picking up a Gladiators Pinball from a guy off of KLOV.
And so it begins. ;D


Don't move, I may have a spare working super pac man PCB coming by this Friday.

Title: Re: Thanks to John and the Arcade Outsiders I have caught the bug
Post by: STEVESPEEZE on February 09, 2014, 03:57:45 pm
Holy shit he got the better space invaders too... nice one.

Title: Re: Thanks to John and the Arcade Outsiders I have caught the bug
Post by: iankellogg on February 09, 2014, 04:00:45 pm
super jealous. I want a donkey kong and the only ones for sale are 60-1s

Title: Re: Thanks to John and the Arcade Outsiders I have caught the bug
Post by: lesoleil70 on February 09, 2014, 04:05:03 pm

Nice find. 

Title: Re: Thanks to John and the Arcade Outsiders I have caught the bug
Post by: STEVESPEEZE on February 09, 2014, 06:46:31 pm
super jealous. I want a donkey kong and the only ones for sale are 60-1s

Or reeeeally beat up.. I found one for 350.  Needs everything. board works though.

Title: Re: Thanks to John and the Arcade Outsiders I have caught the bug
Post by: John's Arcade on February 09, 2014, 06:52:44 pm
super jealous. I want a donkey kong and the only ones for sale are 60-1s

Or reeeeally beat up.. I found one for 350.  Needs everything. board works though.

And you put an xbox in it? ;)

Title: Re: Thanks to John and the Arcade Outsiders I have caught the bug
Post by: deadite on February 09, 2014, 07:09:22 pm
Thank for the tip John. I adjusted that and some of the other pots and it is playable now. It looks like all it needs is the cap kit for a perfect display. I still can't believe the deal I got on this. It lasted 3 days on Craigslist, I lucked out. I also found the original manual inside.


Title: Re: Thanks to John and the Arcade Outsiders I have caught the bug
Post by: Hyderyoda on February 09, 2014, 08:19:08 pm
Nice fine  :). I just cant land anything the last few weeks . It must mean I need to save up for the auction i planing to go to in a few weeks !!!!

Title: Re: Thanks to John and the Arcade Outsiders I have caught the bug
Post by: UnwoundS3GA on February 09, 2014, 10:20:24 pm
Great Score! When I got my first Sanyo EZ20 (monitor in donkey kong), it had jail bars on the screen. I put a cap kit in it, and it was great! I would suggest buying a cap kit from Bob Roberts.

Link to his site:

He's got some great info on his site!

Title: Re: Thanks to John and the Arcade Outsiders I have caught the bug
Post by: STEVESPEEZE on February 10, 2014, 01:40:32 am
super jealous. I want a donkey kong and the only ones for sale are 60-1s

Or reeeeally beat up.. I found one for 350.  Needs everything. board works though.

And you put an xbox in it? ;)       
HAR HAR ......
Id rather just pay a grand for a mint working donkey kong.  I know those go for a pretty penny in prestine condition but I would (for only three machines pac man,tempest and DK) pay up to a grand.
The problem is nobody has anything like that on the CS near me. id have to drive to NJ or somewhere to get one.
Now if I was buying say the DK for an xbox 6000 in 1..  it would have to be priced as an empty cab like 75 or lower.
even so.... that thing was water damaged real bad.
The craigslist here kinda sucks.. its the same shitty machines over and over. nothing really special listed for a long time.

Title: Re: Thanks to John and the Arcade Outsiders I have caught the bug
Post by: Etienne MacGyver on February 10, 2014, 08:57:19 am
That DK needs a capkit indeed

The line on the left side is caused by a bad cap (C407 - 10 μf 160v to be precise) but its easier to cap it complete while the chassis is out anyway  ;)

Title: Re: Thanks to John and the Arcade Outsiders I have caught the bug
Post by: jow on February 10, 2014, 10:23:55 am
That's a fantastic score.  Well done, and welcome to the hobby!