Title: Adjusting Wells Gardner k4800 picture Post by: b.moore2011 on February 01, 2017, 09:45:01 pm In of need some help adjusting the picture of this tube. It's a toshiba tube, and a k4800 chassis. The picture is slightly off tilt. Like slightly rotated to the right. So when you're looking at the top of the picture, there's a hard line that shows the words at the top, and the maze looks ever so slightly off.
I saw a write up of loosening the neck to turn the neck some and then tighten it back down.. but I'm not doing anything until I get confirmation. Let me know. We all strive for perfection where it counts, and now that the colors on my baby pacman look excellent, I want it to be as nice as possible. Title: Re: Adjusting Wells Gardner k4800 picture Post by: Hooligan93 on February 03, 2017, 01:05:34 am Go to Adams Youtube page Onecircuit. He has a Video about monitor set up. He goes into some detail on adjusting Monitor deflection coils.