Title: Wiring a CRT for JAMMA in a new (gutted) Cab Post by: Timbo2112 on August 21, 2013, 10:21:49 am I have a small collection of classic Cabs (all original) and have just picked up an old empty Dig Dug/Centipede (not sure how to tell the difference).
I started to grab original pieces to restore it (marquee, bezel, sideart...), but I don't have a clue how to wire up an authentic CRT. I know I need an isolation transformer (whatever the hell that is!!). I am in Chicago, so I have many sources for CRT's. My goal is to restore the Cab as original as possible with a 60-1. Then, once my skills improve, to lose the 60-1 and replace with all original. Sorry for rambling... I have built many JAMMA cabs with 60-1's but always used VGA monitors. I have seen the light and only want original now and this is my biggest hurdle!! Title: Re: Wiring a CRT for JAMMA in a new (gutted) Cab Post by: John's Arcade on August 30, 2013, 07:22:19 pm I have a small collection of classic Cabs (all original) and have just picked up an old empty Dig Dug/Centipede (not sure how to tell the difference). I started to grab original pieces to restore it (marquee, bezel, sideart...), but I don't have a clue how to wire up an authentic CRT. I know I need an isolation transformer (whatever the hell that is!!). I am in Chicago, so I have many sources for CRT's. My goal is to restore the Cab as original as possible with a 60-1. Then, once my skills improve, to lose the 60-1 and replace with all original. Sorry for rambling... I have built many JAMMA cabs with 60-1's but always used VGA monitors. I have seen the light and only want original now and this is my biggest hurdle!! Bob Roberts is your answer! He has all the parts you need and tutorials. http://www.therealbobroberts.net Get yourself a JAMMA harness from Bob Roberts. He has a nice tutorial on how to wire up a JAMMA cabinet: http://arcadecontrols.com/BBBB/jh.html Bob also has all the parts to wire up the AC. Here's a tutorial: NOTE: you do not need an isolation transformer with newer CRT monitors. However, all the typical monitors from the 80s require one. Follow Bob's instructions... http://arcadecontrols.com/BBBB/acwiring.html |