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Tech and Marketplace => I need help with my game! - Technical Discussion => Topic started by: dada0312 on March 28, 2016, 09:19:22 pm

Title: Black Desert Online Episode 2 Bivouac Shows Off The Abounding Locations Of Media
Post by: dada0312 on March 28, 2016, 09:19:22 pm
The bold continues to be a visually absorbing feast, and this bivouac is no different Black Desert Silver (

Daum Games and Pearl Abyss accept aggregate a new bivouac assuming off the Media Republic, a new breadth in Episode 2 of Black Desert Online.

The bold continues to be a visually absorbing feast, and this bivouac is no different. It shows off abundant of the new areas added forth with Episode 2, and for association who are arena it now, they can acutely see that it is a aloft amplification of the game, both in agreement of ambit and concrete terrain.

The Media Republic is begin amid Serendia and Valencia. It has four new hunting grounds, three abstracted regions, and new NPCs for amateur to collaborate with. There will be almost 100 new monsters to action with, anniversary at levels 51 to 55, and with absolutely new action patterns.

This amend will aswell add in commerce, crafting, and some new action agreeable into the bold as a whole.

What’s absolutely absorbing about the bivouac is, defective words, the affirmation of so abounding altered areas, things to do, and things to see, in a amount of beneath than two minutes. Previewed actuality are:

· A bazaar abounding of humans

· A anhydrate amidst by orcs

· Some bodies in charlatan armor (including a woman in the foreground) practicing to fight

· A bandage of armored dog/hyena like creatures

And, there are bags more. Go advanced and watch the bivouac aloft to yield it all in.

Black Desert Item ( Online is in accessible beta in Korea. Daum are planning a Western absolution in 2016.