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Tech and Marketplace => I need help with my game! - Technical Discussion => Topic started by: bradp56 on March 23, 2016, 08:48:55 pm

Title: Donkey Kong Kong Grin Sound Is Off
Post by: bradp56 on March 23, 2016, 08:48:55 pm
My Donkey Kong plays great every sound works except one. At the very beginning when Kong climbs up the ladder and jumps the girders move and he smiles your supposed to hear 3 beeps. Mine sounds more like a muffled sound rather than the 3 beeps. Its also happens after Kong grabs the princess and goes to the next level. Every other sound is fine.

Here is what I have done. Replaced Audio board, replaced all the sound caps on the board and the Q3 transistors. I also got a new Audio chip and replaced LM cant remember the number.

I dont know what else to do. Its not a big deal but my OCD wont let me leave it go.

Title: Re:
Post by: darkcat1 on March 25, 2016, 08:19:27 pm
Well I don't know much yet but check the wiring.  I'm going to assume that the board is not the problem

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Donkey Kong Kong Grin Sound Is Off
Post by: TimeRunner on March 25, 2016, 11:20:22 pm
You might need to replace the digital sound chips. They will have to be burned on type 2716s. Brasington's site has a lovely chart:

Title: Re: Donkey Kong Kong Grin Sound Is Off
Post by: bradp56 on March 29, 2016, 07:55:58 pm
Is there a way to bypass the amp and hook it up to a speaker? I am just curious as to why its just that one sound especially the lowest digital sound.