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Tech and Marketplace => I need help with my game! - Technical Discussion => Topic started by: ChanceKJ on September 21, 2015, 06:34:53 pm

Title: So my Red Tent monitor tried to set my place on fire...
Post by: ChanceKJ on September 21, 2015, 06:34:53 pm
Now that i have your attention... :D

I was taking an initial look at a Sharp monitor i pulled out of a red tent the other day, and when i plugged it in (with an isolation transformer that usually powers a 20EZ in a working game) the area under the yoke started to spark and smoke.

Any ideas?

( (

Title: Re: So my Red Tent monitor tried to set my place on fire...
Post by: iankellogg on September 22, 2015, 08:21:53 am
Consider checking the resistance of the yoke coils and comparing that to one of your working monitors. even after that without a proper insulation tester you might be SOL for checking this but I am wondering if the yoke coil is damaged and when you turn the monitor on its arcing over. There is still very much high voltage going through the coil.

Title: Re: So my Red Tent monitor tried to set my place on fire...
Post by: ChanceKJ on September 22, 2015, 10:48:55 am
Where would I aim the probes from my meter at for test points?

Title: Re: So my Red Tent monitor tried to set my place on fire...
Post by: iankellogg on September 22, 2015, 11:03:44 am
Jam them right into the yoke connector