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Tech and Marketplace => I need help with my game! - Technical Discussion => Topic started by: BadMonkey on August 29, 2015, 11:39:49 pm

Title: space invaders deluxe - battle for the universe
Post by: BadMonkey on August 29, 2015, 11:39:49 pm
So, I picked up a si deluxe for a little too much. It was not working. Initially the slam switch was stuck. Easy fix. Bulbs out, bla, bla,  no sound with the game functional. Would resent every so often. One day it just quit. I reflowed all the pins and even on the power supply. The voltages check out with the sound only putting out 13 (should be 18), but the game plays now but will resent with the slightest bump to the power supply. I found it by just bumping the cabinet. I can operate the machine with the power supply outside of the cabinet.
If the voltages all check out ok, why would a slight bump of the power supply cause the game to reset. I am missing a few sounds too, but I believe that is a separate issue.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Title: Re: space invaders deluxe - battle for the universe
Post by: BadMonkey on August 30, 2015, 01:03:12 pm
And yes, I have gone through all of the wiring. Sounds like a bad connection somewhere. I thought about a switcher just to rule out the ps but I am getting mixed information on how to do this. Tnt just put one in on a video recently but did not elaborate on the procedure.

Title: Re: space invaders deluxe - battle for the universe
Post by: iankellogg on August 30, 2015, 06:13:44 pm
Probably just warn out connectors