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Tech and Marketplace => I need help with my game! - Technical Discussion => Topic started by: BigBadBilly on August 05, 2015, 03:51:23 pm

Title: A little help with a Cocktail cabinet.
Post by: BigBadBilly on August 05, 2015, 03:51:23 pm
Hello guys! I'll be the first to admit I'm new here and to a home arcade setting in general. I have always wanted to have a "Home Arcade" though and recently jumped in with my first 2 games.
Anyhow. Here's my problem, and hoping someone can help.

I got a 1981 cocktail cabinet. Armor Attack. (Rock-Ola)

Did work, then didn't for no reason.

So, I do know the fuse is toast and am going to get a new one and hope that's it. But, I can't get the thing to swing open.

I know there are clips holding it together on the inner area through the coin door. However, I can only access the clip on the right. I'm assuming there should be a clip on the left but a metal housing is blocking access to the left side. So I'm wondering if some of these cabinets maybe had the locking clips in other areas.

This isn't a Mod, the unit is original and you simply can't access the second clip on the left of the machine to release the top. Unless... the clip in this particular model is somewhere else.

Any help would be great!

Title: Re: A little help with a Cocktail cabinet.
Post by: jtslade on August 07, 2015, 09:36:25 am
Did you move it then it stopped working? If so check all connections and power levels

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Title: Re: A little help with a Cocktail cabinet.
Post by: BigBadBilly on August 10, 2015, 09:09:08 am
Hey jtslate.

I got it un-working. But the friend I got it from said it worked up till about a week ago and just stopped. I used to play around with it when I visited so I know it worked.

I want to go over it and check everything but... I can't get the cabinet open.

I can only find the one release latch on the right. The one on the left is either obscured by some metal housing... or in a different place.