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Nintendo Talk => NINTENDO VS. FORUM => Topic started by: goldtooth on March 15, 2015, 11:16:33 pm

Title: The Great Red Tent Adventure
Post by: goldtooth on March 15, 2015, 11:16:33 pm
So it all began about a year ago when i found an ad for a "Mario tennis sit down video game" on craigslist. I called the guy up and he described to me exactly what i was hoping.
He said i could have it for $150 delivered if would take his atomic punk in a taito cab as well, no charge.
i agreed and he dropped them off. i turned the red tent on and noticed that one monitor was dead... no big deal it was cheap enough and thats when my nightmare began.

I pulled the monitor found a blown fuse, replaced it and fired it up. Now there was sparking coming from the anode cup... :o uh oh.
i discharged, cleaned all the dust and crap, plugged it back in and it fired up (for about 10 seconds) then i heard a snap and saw some sparking coming from the neck.
Did i just murder the tube?
what next?

i bought a new flyback from The Buffett guy and when i received it i noticed it was quite a bit smaller then the original, is that normal?
next i bought a new hot and replaced that too. put everything back and...... nothing. dead.
went on klov with the issue and most people thought the tube was effed. so i went on a impossible hunt for a tube and i found one, tried it and nothing again.

is there something I'm missing?
something dumb i haven't checked?
do i bother with a cap kit?




Title: Re: The Great Red Tent Adventure
Post by: goldtooth on March 16, 2015, 12:18:39 pm
is a cap kit a waste of time?

Title: Re: The Great Red Tent Adventure
Post by: goldtooth on March 25, 2015, 09:06:55 pm
cap kit done and nothing... this sucks. anyone out there have any idea where is should look next?

Title: Re: The Great Red Tent Adventure
Post by: iankellogg on April 01, 2015, 08:32:22 am
are you seeing arcing in the neck? It could be possible your tube needs to be 'rejuved'. Might also be possible to just have a dead tube.  It sounds like the chassis is working?

I think your first order of business needs to be check the B+ voltage. it needs to be around 108V. if that checks out. if that is right maybe start looking for either a rejuvinator yourself or find someone with one.

Title: Re: The Great Red Tent Adventure
Post by: goldtooth on April 26, 2015, 03:43:09 pm
are you seeing arcing in the neck? It could be possible your tube needs to be 'rejuved'. Might also be possible to just have a dead tube.  It sounds like the chassis is working?

I think your first order of business needs to be check the B+ voltage. it needs to be around 108V. if that checks out. if that is right maybe start looking for either a rejuvinator yourself or find someone with one.

man this thing is buggered. thanks for the help check out the klov thread ..
id appreciate any help i can get. I'm not great with monitors no experience at all with this stuff. thanks again.

Title: Re: The Great Red Tent Adventure
Post by: iankellogg on April 26, 2015, 04:58:01 pm
Okay.  I read through that.  I think buffet is right about the yoke.  It's possible you just bumped it around when you were moving it. Make sure the yoke coils are tight against the neck of the tube and secured.

For the broken monitor i have no idea where to start since you haven't answered basic questions on it.  You need to test the b+ and make sure you have around 108v.