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Arcade and Pinball Discussions => General Arcade and Video Game Discussions => Topic started by: MagicMarc-er on March 04, 2015, 10:07:29 am

Title: Megatouch Question
Post by: MagicMarc-er on March 04, 2015, 10:07:29 am
I see a lot of the Merit Megatouch "Maxx" Series available for sale (Diamond, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, etc).  Are these a good buy?  Most working are around $150 to $200 and non-working around $50 to $100.  I've never worked on one of these but am thinking about adding one to my collection.  Seems like good bang for your buck.  Are parts readily available?  I imagine, like most video arcade games, you'd be looking at either power supply replacement/repair or pcb replacement/repair.

If anyone has any advice on price and/or the amount of work required to upgrade them and repair them, I'd really appreciate it.

Title: Re: Megatouch Question
Post by: iankellogg on March 04, 2015, 10:27:27 am
Only buy working megatouches. UNLESS you absolutely know whats wrong with them. Parts are hard to get or are expensive.

the MAXX is very old and might be a decent buy for $100 but these days FORCE models are under $300 and are much newer. Even IONs are starting to come down to $500 which are again, much newer.

Title: Re: Megatouch Question
Post by: John's Arcade on March 04, 2015, 10:43:05 am
I think the Force Radion is the way to go. Best bang for your buck, relatively modern, and decent looking. It's a CRT but it's good. It's the one I have.

You can upgrade it to 2011.

BTW - ebay has TONS of parts. MOBOs, Drives, etc.
