Title: Konami PCB to Jamma Adapter for Time Pilot Post by: bfrosty on January 21, 2015, 10:22:01 pm Hey Guys!
I noticed a member over at KLOV that kept his original Time Pilot PCB, but added a 60-in-1 in addition. I would like to do this, since my Time Pilot is a mutt, not a true TimePilot. So... 1) Buy the Konami PCB to Jamma adapter. 2) Buy the 60-1 Icade PCB. 3) Connect the Time Pilot harness to the Konami PCB Adapter on one side and the 60-1 on the other? I did notice the Konami board has a jumper to use either -5vdc or not. How do you know if you need to use -5vdc? My power supply uses -5vdc. Any advice or am I missing any other boards or wires/harnesses? Seems pretty simple. Thanks, MK |