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General Category => Comments about John's videos and => Topic started by: jaffo on November 06, 2014, 07:05:16 pm

Title: John's Neo Geo/Pop n Bounce video
Post by: jaffo on November 06, 2014, 07:05:16 pm
Hey everyone,

Just finished watching John's Pop N Bounce vid.  I enjoy Neo Geo stuff - I had a friend that saved a bunch of money when we were teenagers and he actually bought a Neo Geo home console.  Games were near $200 apiece at the time.  It was crazy.

I have an idea for a project for you, John - Make a bar-top neo geo cabinet to house your 120-in-one cartridge. 

Title: Re: John's Neo Geo/Pop n Bounce video
Post by: John's Arcade on November 06, 2014, 07:59:15 pm
Hey everyone,

Just finished watching John's Pop N Bounce vid.  I enjoy Neo Geo stuff - I had a friend that saved a bunch of money when we were teenagers and he actually bought a Neo Geo home console.  Games were near $200 apiece at the time.  It was crazy.

I have an idea for a project for you, John - Make a bar-top neo geo cabinet to house your 120-in-one cartridge. 

Dude, that AES system back when it came out was CRAZY TALK! Seriously, what kid could afford that thing?!

Title: Re: John's Neo Geo/Pop n Bounce video
Post by: jaffo on November 06, 2014, 09:57:08 pm
His parents were well-off, too - so that helped.  I want to say he paid $600 for it.  I drove him to go pick it up - he bought it from some guy at his house - it was new in box, but I have a feeling it may have "fallen off the back of a truck."  It came with 2 controllers and the pack-in game Magician Lord.  Over time, he got a few more games.  I fondly remember playing Sengoku, Baseball Stars, and Cyber Lip with him.