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Arcade and Pinball Discussions => Beginner's Help Corner => Topic started by: Galaxian77 on September 29, 2014, 01:49:56 pm

Title: MVS original joystick rebuild question
Post by: Galaxian77 on September 29, 2014, 01:49:56 pm
Good day forum. I picked up a "Lordsvale Leisure" Neo-Geo MVS cabinet (apparently it was popular in the UK?). It has rather odd "club style" joysticks, but appear to be original, due to the size of the hole cut out of the CP. They work fine, but do not "auto return". I'm trying to figure out whether they are missing a spring (because there were no springs installed when I got the machine). I've tried placing a spring in the obvious place on the shaft, but then it seems, jammed (too stiff). Does anyone have an exploded view of a "standard" Neo joystick (if there's such a thing?). Perhaps I'm trying the wrong size spring... Or perhaps there was never a spring. Perhaps it relied on the rubber grommit... Like the Pacman joystick.... Any advise would be great:-)

Thanks for reading.

Title: Re: MVS original joystick rebuild question
Post by: gusmoney on September 29, 2014, 02:41:13 pm
Hey Galaxian77,

Scroll to the bottom of this page and see if the joysticks match-up with original:

That is a great site for all things MVS, if you didn't know it already, not sure if they have the exploded view of the joystick anywhere.


Title: Re: MVS original joystick rebuild question
Post by: Galaxian77 on September 29, 2014, 02:49:35 pm
No I was not aware of this site, but looks like some good resources. I'll have a look there and report back any findings.
