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Arcade and Pinball Discussions => Beginner's Help Corner => Topic started by: DrewZod on September 17, 2014, 05:59:40 pm

Title: Can I paint a custom marquee?
Post by: DrewZod on September 17, 2014, 05:59:40 pm
Hey fellas,
I'm in the process of building my first cabinet and I'm wondering about painting my marquee. I am picking between two designs and both are easily stenciled. And my original plan was to cut two peices of plexiglass, stencil the design and spray paint one of them the colors I want, then sandwich the paint with another piece and that's it until my friend brought up a good question... If I do that will any light get through the paint?

What's the best idea guys, I would really like to do this myself rather than go through a marquee printer. Is there special paint?

Thanks any ideas would help

Title: Re: Can I paint a custom marquee?
Post by: John's Arcade on September 17, 2014, 06:15:47 pm
Hey fellas,
I'm in the process of building my first cabinet and I'm wondering about painting my marquee. I am picking between two designs and both are easily stenciled. And my original plan was to cut two peices of plexiglass, stencil the design and spray paint one of them the colors I want, then sandwich the paint with another piece and that's it until my friend brought up a good question... If I do that will any light get through the paint?

What's the best idea guys, I would really like to do this myself rather than go through a marquee printer. Is there special paint?

Thanks any ideas would help

I am not aware of any marquees that are stenciled like that. Dunno. Seem interesting. Try it? Most people do the art in Illustrator or Photoshop and have it printed at, etc.

Title: Re: Can I paint a custom marquee?
Post by: VertexGuy on September 18, 2014, 12:18:10 am
I had this really cool idea for a custom marquee , actually im just gonna make it and surprise everybody lol.