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Arcade and Pinball Discussions => General Arcade and Video Game Discussions => Topic started by: beatnikdaddio on August 11, 2014, 02:24:56 pm

Title: picked up a new cabinet this weekend.
Post by: beatnikdaddio on August 11, 2014, 02:24:56 pm
i was at a friend's birthday party saturday and was getting a beer from the cooler in the garage when i saw a familiar silhouette under a tarp in the corner. curiosity got the best of me and i lifted the tarp to see it was a pole position 2 cabinet. while i LOVED PP as a kid, i never added a PP cabinet to my collection because of their notorious dependability issues. i asked our host about it and he said it was his brother's and that he'd stored there about 10 years ago when he went into the military but never picked it back up. "it doesn't work, so he told me to get rid of it a couple years ago, but i've been too lazy... you want it?" he asked. "yes" i said without thinking. i mean, i couldn't beat it at that price, right?  ;D

so i went back and picked it up on sunday. here it is right off the truck... i haven't really had much time but to unload it and power it on, the monitor looks pretty good, nice and bright and i don't see too much of the usual "game over" burn-in i see on most of them. so, ANOTHER project to the pile!


Title: Re: picked up a new cabinet this weekend.
Post by: TimeRunner on August 11, 2014, 05:52:36 pm
Screen looks very similar to a troubleshooting image I was saw on


Here's a link to his whole article:

My PP2 PCB had chips missing everywhere and my only solution was to mail it off to Eldorado Games for repair. Notice the article mentions battery acid damage should be checked to see if any nearby components are in distress / messed up / etc.

Title: Re: picked up a new cabinet this weekend.
Post by: beatnikdaddio on August 11, 2014, 06:11:48 pm
hi! thanks for the info!

Title: Re: picked up a new cabinet this weekend.
Post by: alby13 on August 11, 2014, 07:21:37 pm
awesome awesome

keep us updated on your repair!

Title: Re: picked up a new cabinet this weekend.
Post by: beatnikdaddio on August 11, 2014, 07:52:01 pm
thanks! i'm elbows deep in a ms pac man restore currently but i definitely welcome the challenge a pole position may offer!  ;D
i will keep you guys updated.

Title: Re: picked up a new cabinet this weekend.
Post by: mrdude on August 11, 2014, 09:56:08 pm
I was email a guy about a Pole Position myself that sounded like it was in good shape and had a Ram 7 and 8 error. Being as I have a Ms. Pacman project going and a Donkey Kong cocktail table going I thought I should probably stay away from this one until at least one of the 2 are done. Not to mention I have Final Lap already so there is limited space now for racing games. Looks like it's in good shape! Good luck too!

Title: Re: picked up a new cabinet this weekend.
Post by: offset on August 11, 2014, 10:49:59 pm
Hold onto that cabinet.

Many of us Pole Position owner are anxiously awaiting this to be finished :)

Title: Re: picked up a new cabinet this weekend.
Post by: iankellogg on August 12, 2014, 09:34:40 am
Have you tried to put it in test mode yet? Its possible the ram went bad on it, that's similar to what happens when the video ram dies.

Title: Re: picked up a new cabinet this weekend.
Post by: beatnikdaddio on August 14, 2014, 06:37:03 pm
yeah, same result in test too. thanks for the input, guys.

Title: Re: picked up a new cabinet this weekend.
Post by: iankellogg on August 14, 2014, 07:51:02 pm
I would start by putting qd terminals on all the power test points to get power off the due connector. John did a video about this on how to bullet proof your pole position. I would also make sure both AR2 power supplies are running at 5v and disable the voltage sense. After all that is done can you start worrying about the game board.

Title: Re: picked up a new cabinet this weekend.
Post by: beatnikdaddio on August 15, 2014, 01:48:18 pm
yeah, power supplies are testing good... looks like a board issue.  :-\

oh well, it will be a good time to do the power modification too.

Title: Re: picked up a new cabinet this weekend.
Post by: iankellogg on August 15, 2014, 03:29:35 pm
when you tested the power supplies were you testing them from the harness or from one of the game's testpoints?
Its pretty useless to test a power supply unless its under load. etherway, do the power 'mod' and disable vsense on both AR2s. once that is done can you start worrying about what is wrong with the game board.

Title: Re: picked up a new cabinet this weekend.
Post by: beatnikdaddio on March 19, 2015, 01:05:24 am

my pole position II lives!

at first, i just thought i'd wait for adam's ppclone project to be done, but i finally had some time to spend poking around on the boards... luckily, all my edge connectors were in great shape. i replaced a socket on the CPU board that had corroded pins and cleaned up some acid damage from the battery and she fired up! cosmetically, i did some painting of the coin doors and pedal, cleaned and rebuilt the steering and shifter. i also replaced the cracked t-molding and added more "grippy" no-slip tape to the pedal. now, i just need to make another monitor shroud to replace the ripped/crushed one. i also plan on doing the "bullet proof" mod...... eventually.

all-in-all, very happy to now have a working pole position in my collection! a BIG thanks to all the folks here who gave me pointers when i needed 'em!