John's Arcade Forum - Classic Arcade and Pinball Collecting and Restoring Discussion Forum - RETRO MAME - Nintendo Vs Forum

General Category => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: ShaneBolda on August 06, 2014, 01:24:04 pm

Title: HEY GUYS!!! from Florida...
Post by: ShaneBolda on August 06, 2014, 01:24:04 pm
Hello everyone.. What's up John?!?

I've been watching John's channel a lot lately and been enjoying it....

I just got my first machine last week and it's my holy grail... It's a 1981 Nintendo Radar Scope converted RED Donkey Kong... It has an early TKG3 four board stack "c1981 Nintendo" a/ Ladder bug...

Anyway, that's it.. See you guys around... I'll be making a post in the Nintendo discussion possibly...

You can follow me on Twitter @ShaneBolda as well...