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General Category => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: EvilOtto on June 25, 2014, 08:42:34 am

Title: Hello from England!!
Post by: EvilOtto on June 25, 2014, 08:42:34 am
HAY GUYS!!!! (How many people have wrote that I wonder??)
My names Dave and as the title suggest I'm from England, the original one, not this 'NEW' one...
Like a lot of people I reclaimed my interest for arcade cabs after watching King of Kong, It had never occurred to me before that you could actually own these things yourself!!! 
Although I'm really interested in Arcade games, the availability and cost of them in the UK is a hugely restricting factor.....
Still, there are fantastic groups over here such as UKVAC that are trying to keep the hobby alive.
I myself have a BAS Jamma cab that currently has a Konami Gyruss board inside (High Score Modded).
I also have a part finish project, its a repro Taito Trimline cab that has a 60-1 inside. The long term plan is making it into a dedicated Phoenix (I already have an original PCB), the main issue is getting a 14" monitor for it as its currently running a decased PC monitor with a VGA adapter. Its fine with the 60-1 but doesn't like original boards.....
So... Thats me  :)
Love the show and glad to be part of the forum  :)

Title: Re: Hello from England!!
Post by: John's Arcade on June 25, 2014, 09:33:34 am
HAY GUYS!!!! (How many people have wrote that I wonder??)
My names Dave and as the title suggest I'm from England, the original one, not this 'NEW' one...
Like a lot of people I reclaimed my interest for arcade cabs after watching King of Kong, It had never occurred to me before that you could actually own these things yourself!!! 
Although I'm really interested in Arcade games, the availability and cost of them in the UK is a hugely restricting factor.....
Still, there are fantastic groups over here such as UKVAC that are trying to keep the hobby alive.
I myself have a BAS Jamma cab that currently has a Konami Gyruss board inside (High Score Modded).
I also have a part finish project, its a repro Taito Trimline cab that has a 60-1 inside. The long term plan is making it into a dedicated Phoenix (I already have an original PCB), the main issue is getting a 14" monitor for it as its currently running a decased PC monitor with a VGA adapter. Its fine with the 60-1 but doesn't like original boards.....
So... Thats me  :)
Love the show and glad to be part of the forum  :)

Yo, Otto! Thanks for joining us!