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General Category => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: blantonwh on May 12, 2014, 09:28:09 pm

Title: New member with dual cocktail vs. system
Post by: blantonwh on May 12, 2014, 09:28:09 pm
I have had this system for about 7 years now and have enjoyed having it to play. However, It got neglected the past few years and I am looking to improve the condition and put in back in the house. Currently the system will not play any games. The system will power on but only flash the screens, side A flashes grey, side B flashes all colors and garbled letters and numbers. No sound. I took the PCB out and looked it over and I have found battery acid leaked on the first eprom chips on one side only. The pins have corrosion and I am not sure if this has lead to my systems symptoms.

I would like any help and assistance in repairing this machine through the forums, tech manuals and experience from the educated gamers of this site.


Title: Re: New member with dual cocktail vs. system
Post by: pimppride on May 16, 2014, 12:15:23 am
welcome and interesting issue, from reading everywhere what I have learned it looks like the rule of thumb is any of these old arcade machines your first update should be getting rid of the old battery system that can leak and cause problems like you have... and update the battery with a more modern off board solution

I would imagine right now your first plan of action is to clean up the battery mess and evaluate the damage, if things need replaced, there's people on the forums with the access to the tools & parts to do the repairs or supply the repair parts or references to where you can get the parts

our fearless host here has burrowed a nice site of information & like minded individuals that will usually jump in an help with experienced guidance, I'd say you should post up some photos showing the damage and that gets everyone going, always a sucker for picts

Title: Re: New member with dual cocktail vs. system
Post by: VertexGuy on May 16, 2014, 12:16:42 am
I have had this system for about 7 years now and have enjoyed having it to play. However, It got neglected the past few years and I am looking to improve the condition and put in back in the house. Currently the system will not play any games. The system will power on but only flash the screens, side A flashes grey, side B flashes all colors and garbled letters and numbers. No sound. I took the PCB out and looked it over and I have found battery acid leaked on the first eprom chips on one side only. The pins have corrosion and I am not sure if this has lead to my systems symptoms.

I would like any help and assistance in repairing this machine through the forums, tech manuals and experience from the educated gamers of this site.


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